1911 – 1916 1 (2) "Dante’s second love" (1913) "To the light!" (1913) "When the beasts were still talking" (1913) "Which faith is better?" (1913) Story of the Bilgorod's siege (1914) Story about Oleg's death (1913) «Mr. Bobrzynsky as a progressist» (1913) «Studies on the ukrainian folk songs» (1913) «Liberty» by A.S.Pushkin (1914) "In the hired work on neighbors" (1914) «Election of Numa Pompilius» (1915) «War of Caesar against Ariovistus» (1915) «The foundation of Roma» (1915) Translation from Meleager of Gadara (1915) Translation from Sappho (1915) «Der Edelstein» by U.Boner (1915) «Death of Servius Tullius» (1915) «Consul Spurius Cassius» (1916) «Amusement of historian» (1916) «What Galician workers' society wanted?» (1924) 1 (2)