2nd quarter 2019
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "In the shoemaker" (1913).
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "From the poetic legacy of Basil Mova (V. Lymansky)" (1899).
As Rudansky, worked and Mova in the field of Ukrainian word in secret, published in life very little, not wanting, apparently, to print abroad, and not finding caresses for himself in Russian censorship.
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "36. Rafalovich in Burkotyn".
And others say that the bank does not allow hacking. Because our lord is prolonged in the banks, and on that forest, he took more than ten thousand. And without a bank dare not move.
New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph of letter to M. S. Hrushevsky on April 30, 1903. |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last five letters of 1892.
I begin to spend my hope on my romance. In Vienna, one Pole read it a and praised it very much, and here read my wife, in whom a very loyal sensation at that point, and cooled me much. (Dec. 20, 1892. To M. P. Dragomanov)
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "Two friends" (1913).
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "Ol. Barvinsky Review of folk literature of Ukrainian-Russian before [18]60-ies" (1899).
We must say that the introduction by Mr. Barvinsky does not correspond to pedagogical nor scientific requirements.
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "33. Judge Strachotsky".
He joined the court, advanced, locked up and tried people, not calling any laws or judgments, and having only one very simple rule: to do according to the statements of the prosecutor.
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of «Selection of declamations for the ukrainian peasants and townsman» anthology with I.Franko's preface (1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
I do not know how to be with the debt for printing works in Lviv. Since the moment "People" was transferred to Kolomyia, the printing house had been rewritten debt to me, and now send me reminders, that I should to pay. (Dec. 10, 1892. To M. P. Dragomanov)
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "Spiteful" (1913).
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "From the poem by Stepan Rudansky "King Nightingale" (1899).
What a pity that this poem, written back in 1857, only now can see the world of God! In times of literary drought, it might have a meaning.
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "30. Doctor-offender".
Say yourself, am I a bastard, a villain, a murderer? Am I owed a physisian? Did I go to him in a bad hour? Why did he make me orphan? Why did he smother my soul?
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page edition of «Marusja» – ballad by by L.Borovykovsky with I.Franko's comments (1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
I am entering to the university not for the doctoral title itself, but also to really use something in science and get acquainted with scientists. (Oct 11, 1892. To O. F. Franko)
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "In the Asclepius’ temple" (1913).
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "Galician "Soldier-wizard" (1899).
I would like to add some details from our Galician region to the history of branching and the journey of the plot of "Soldier-wizard".
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "27. Rafalovich is the antichrist? "
What is a lord there! – Baran harshly said. – With four black horses… Ride around and collect people… And impose his seal on those who believe in you…
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of drama «Cabin No 27» (1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
"People" moved to Kolomyia. With the means of printing "Wycliffe" there was a real error on the part of the printer – you will have to pay only 10 guilders. (Oct 7, 1892. To M. P. Dragomanov)
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "At school" (1913).
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "Poetry of the 19th century and its main representatives" (1898).
1. General characteristics / 2. German poetry
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "24. Mr. marshal of Rafalovich ".
Meanwhile, he saw that Eugene was not so easy to confuse, he saw too that his own lie took away a considerable part of that certainty and courage.
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of novel «Zakhar Berkut (Zacharias the Golden Eagle)» (Lviv, 1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
I would not have advised to transfer the editorial board to Kolomyia, already that there is nobody in the circle "Khliborob" to do it decently, and Pavlik himself will not have enough time to run both magazines. (Sep 22-23 1892, to M. P. Dragomanov)
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "In front the court" (1913).
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "A. N. Pypin History of Russian Literature" (1898).
In four volumes, the author wants to present an image of the organic development of Russian literature from the most ancient to the newest times; in the first two volumes he completed his work before the time of Peter the Great.
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "21. Rafalovich’s dream".
And it seems to Eugene that he knew this drowned unhappy woman. He screamed terribly and, without thinking, rushed into the water. He felt in his sleepy consciousness the certainty that she was already dead.
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of the story «Pantalakha» (Lviv, 1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
The court did not return your brochure to me, and it disappeared, it’s time to make a second edition. (August 4, 1892. To A. Ju. Krymsky)
New translation
We publish a translation of the dramatic scene by Gerond "Factor" (1913).
New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument in Naguevychi (1981). |
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "N. Dashkevich. Little Russian and other burlesque (joking) "Aeneid" (1898).
Prof. Dashkevich, and partly Mr. Steshenko, have made with their works on the primary source of our new national literature a significant step forward.
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "18. Peasants from Burkotin".
Why should we our own buy from him? Rather, let’s push our heads, we will go to the jamb, and we will not buy our grandfathers from the parasite.
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of stories collection «Good earing» (Lviv, 1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
I hear good, too good, the limits of my talent, and any praise, even from the mouth of such competent experts as Veselovsky or Dashkevich, will not make me forget about those limits. (May 21, 1892, to by A. Yu. Krymsky)
New translation
We publish a translation of the poem by Valery Maxim "Modogenity of Diogenes" (1916).
New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument in Lishnja (1981). |
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "I. Steshenko. I.P. Kotlyarevsky in the light of criticism" (1898).
In the second part, the author examines the opinions expressed by criticism about individual works by Kotlyarevsky, and examines whether they are fair or not. This part seems to us valuable.
New story
We continue to publish the story "Crossing stitches" (1900). Today – the next 3 sections, including "15 Piano lessons."
Indeed, the door opened for a while, and the one that the lady called Regina came in. Eugene’s heart was terribly scumbled, the world was tightening, his eyes filled with some fog.
New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph of verse «It will be good, a brothers, to start…» (1902) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1892.
The fact is, this is a triple expulsion of my person from the Society "Prosvita" and my rejection of the Shevchenko Society, in order to eliminate me from all work among the Rusyns of Galician. (About March 25, 1892. To the Prosvita Society in Lviv)
New translation
We publish a translation of the poem by Valery Maxim "The Golden Table" (1916).
New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument in Boryslav (1959). |