4th quarter 2014
30 Dec 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we start publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – first 10 rhymes.
28 Dec 2014 New reviews
Published 3 reviews of 1890, including "New ukrainian books."
Volume deserves our attention the public as Ruthenian and Polish, which is about the method, objectives and achievements of modern theological science in Europe has no concept.
26 Dec 2014 New publicistic articles
In the section "Publicistics" 3 articles of 1891 are published, including "Response to masters populists."
Shevchenko, see, there was orthodox, not suited for nationwide adapted conciliators; he seems "Russian" and did not fit the brand loyalty against the Austrian dynasty.
24 Dec 2014 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Jan Neruda" (1891).
Jan Neruda, one of the greatest Czech writers and poets, died in Prague 57 years old. His literary activity was extremely versatile and productive.
22 Dec 2014 New article on history
The article "Border Pond" (1898) is published.
And Nowakowski and Stshembosh did themselves in the good times of Poland, one neighbor illegally digging up the creek, and the second with the help of his subjects arresting rogue.
20 Dec 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with an article "For explaining of one carol" (1891).
In my opinion, the second half of carol is not based on anything else on this story. " The key is understanding" was a reference book.
18 Dec 2014 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of school in Drogobych (1864 – 1867). |
16 Dec 2014 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "The mystery of the passion of Christ" (1891).
Total has more of a the assumption that «Dialogus» was played out, and perhaps written in Zhovkva at the court of the mighty at that time lords Sobieski.
14 Dec 2014 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "From science and literature" (1891).
1. Individualism and Socialism / 2. Pamphlet Count Tarnowsky / 3. Works of Jan Kasprowicz / 4. Disadvantages of Kasprowicz's poems / 5. French decadence.
12 Dec 2014 New story
In the "Prose" section we publish story "Gryts' school science" (1883).
They diligently hundred times with melodious voices repeated " A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ga." Grits – do not know why – like these things very much, and he began his squeaky voice cry, "a baba galamaga."
10 Dec 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish second part of the poem "Abu-Kasim's shoes" (1895).
8 Dec 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Old and new". Today – the next 10 verses from cycle "Parenethikon."
6 Dec 2014 New index
Posted alphabetic list of articles by Ivan Franko on the foklore and ethnography.
4 Dec 2014 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with article «Secondary schools in Galicia in 1875 – 1883» (1884). |
2 Dec 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last six letters of 1882.
Think about this: even such innocent thing as "Snail" in last year's calendar of "Enlightenment" and "Gypsies" in the "Dilo", they seem too radical – pure crazed people! (23 Dec 1882, to M. P. Dragomanov)
30 Nov 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we finish publish 2 works of 1915, including "Dionysius-mocker."
28 Nov 2014 New articles
Published 3 articles of 1889, including "Autobiography."
In 1880 I went to the feast to Mr. Cyril Genik in Kolomija county, but there I was arrested again under suspicion of illegal campaigning.
26 Nov 2014 New publicistic articles
In the section "Publicistics" 2 articles of 1890 are published, including "Memories by Dragomanov."
Memoirs have not only historical, are also a great teacher and policy importance, because the author reveals to them a number of errors and inconsistencies of Ukrainian politicians, generated by their inconsistency.
24 Nov 2014 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Ostap Veresai" (1890).
His playing kobza and singing historical thoughts were one of the main points of the program. The entire repertoire of his songs were recorded and then published.
22 Nov 2014 New article on history
The article "Chronicle of Pidgirtsi monastery" (1890) is published.
"Synopsis" may be not a is a very important, but it is still an interesting source for the history of the Carpathian Rus, mostly with 1662 – 1699 period.
20 Nov 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with an article "Our carols" (1889).
1. The value of church songs / 2. Ancient Literature and "Bohohlasnyk" / 3. Ukrainian carols and European Christmas poems / 4. Content of carols / 5. Apocryphal motifs in carols.
18 Nov 2014 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of church in Naguevychi (1856 – 1864). |
16 Nov 2014 New articles on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with 4 articles of 1890, including "Poplar" by Taras Shevchenko".
Shevchenko joined together in one two tale subjects: how girl invocate her absent beloved, and how she transformed into poplars.
14 Nov 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 20 articles of 1890, including "From the poetry of Paul Dumka."
The purpose of poetry is – to call in the soul of the reader vivid images of people or things that draws poet, and wake up by them the same sense that excited soul of the poet when he created the images.
12 Nov 2014 New story
In the "Prose" section we publish story "Forests and pastures" (1883).
But lord out the whole of the forces is working ever more closely to push us bonds. Five taverns introduced in the village, there was no school, the priest chose the one that pulls the arm with him…
10 Nov 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish first part of the poem "Abu-Kasim's shoes" (1895).
8 Nov 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Old and new". Today – the first 10 verses from cycle "Parenethikon."
6 Nov 2014 New index
Posted alphabetic list of articles by Ivan Franko on the history of literature.
4 Nov 2014 New photo with Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's photos is replenished photo of 1911 with Bilynsky family. |
2 Nov 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1882.
However, I work here more than in Lviv, and would work more carefully, if only the materials, books, magazines at hand. (12 Nov 1882, to M. I. Pavlik)
30 Oct 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we finish publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – last 11 verses.
28 Oct 2014 New articles
Published 2 articles of 1889, including "Pravda, journal of politics, science and literature."
The motto of "Pravda (Truth)" will always advance in all states of Ukrainian people; freedom of spirit and life both Ukrainians and for all that live together with Ukrainians.
26 Oct 2014 New publicistic articles
In the section "Publicistics" 2 articles of 1888 are published, including "The organization of the Democratic Party."
The main strength of our community – the peasantry; main issues occupying the attention of our state leaders, politicians and journalists, this issue of soil, as tax soil.
24 Oct 2014 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Michael Dragomanov" (1895).
Ukrainian science and literature suffered a lot because of the death M. P. Dragomanov. There was a famous folklorist and historian, sober-minded critic, brilliant essayist.
22 Oct 2014 New article on history
The article "Joseph Shumlyansky, ukrainian Bishop of Lviv from 1667 to 1708" (1898) is published.
He is through the Polish statesman, vivid flourish of the kind of people which in Khmelnytsky's time had been Adam Kisel.
20 Oct 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with an article "More "Jewish War" (1893).
One theme of unusual structure, extending from one country to another, while preserving its original structure is diversified in purposes, shows a variety of looks and trends.
18 Oct 2014 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of manor in Naguevychi (1856 – 1864). |
16 Oct 2014 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "Taras Shevchenko" (1893).
If I had by one word to characterize the poetry of Shevchenko, then I would call it poetry desire life.
14 Oct 2014 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with an article "Weavers". Drama by G. Hauptmann."
Awesome drama: if somewhere explode the social revolution, the playing of this drama on stage should be her motto.
12 Oct 2014 New story
In the "Prose" section we publish story "Gypsies" (1887).
Sir, sir! Our darling! What do you blame old Paykush, what you blame the poor Roma that you want in this cold cast out us into the world?
10 Oct 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish last six chapters of the poem "The adventures of Don Quijote" (1891).
8 Oct 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Old and new". Today – cycle "2. Bows."
6 Oct 2014 New index
Posted alphabetic list of literary critical articles by Ivan Franko.
4 Oct 2014 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of autograph of work «Life of Ivan Fedorovych and his time» (1884). |
2 Oct 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1882.
I sent to you those three essays: "Own guilty", "History of my straw-cutter" and "Forests and pastures." If you can print all three, then print. (Jul 1882, to V. Lukych)