2nd quarter 2014
30 Jun 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
28 Jun 2014 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of monuments to I. Franko is replenished with photo of monument in Kyiv (1956). |
26 Jun 2014 New story
The unfinished story "From the notes of the martyr" (1883) is now published.
After all, I am now a martyr, suffered by the idea "from Tissa to Amur" – the eyes of whole Russia turned to me, each my word thousand words echoed in millions of Russian hearts.
24 Jun 2014 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" is published article "Galician Ukrainophilism" (1885).
What is rationalism, which is also a terrible for the author? This commitment to our thoughts and actions led by understanding.
22 Jun 2014 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 3 notes of 1893, including "Burial of Shashkevych's ashes".
Burial of ashes blessed memory Markian Shashkevych, Ukrainian poet, was gorgeous yesterday, despite the modesty with which it was held.
20 Jun 2014 New articles on history
The articles "The materials and notes to the history of the Austro-Ukrainian Revival 1772 – 1848" (1895) is published.
3. Ivan Naumovych – rabbi seminary / 5. Example of Ugro-Russian Magyar- and Russophilism from beginning of XIX century. / 9. Unknown poem by L. Dankevich / 11. "Instruction" by K. Cenglewicz.
18 Jun 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Bulgarian works by M. P. Dragomanov" (1891).
Circumstances now require Patriots realist, people with a broad education, with a broad view of the world and human relations, with look not caught shallow national jealousy and hatre.
16 Jun 2014 New articles on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with 3 articles of 1891, includung " Neglected poems by S. Rudansky".
Please be respected publisher for "Lyre thoughts" that if should been discovered probably would have more value, if not poetic, but even ethnographic.
14 Jun 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 4 notes of 1887, including "Ukrainian literature".
This is one of those tragedies that are quite often designed rather for need awakening of national sentiment by using scenes rather than poetic inspiration.
12 Jun 2014 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Boryslav is laughing" (1882). Today – next three chapters, including "12. Secrets of Goldkremer family."
Her father – a very large fish, one of the first rich in Borislav and Drogobych, that two years ago drove here from Vienna, is building a large and magnificent house, called Leon Hammerschlag.
10 Jun 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish first part of the poem "The adventures of Don Quijote" (1890).
8 Jun 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Withered Leaves". Today – next 10 verses.
6 Jun 2014 New encyclopedical note
The short biographical sketch of I. Franko is published.
Ivan Franko (Aug 27, 1856 – May 28, 1916) – great Ukrainian writer, one of the architects of the new Ukrainian nation.
4 Jun 2014 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph of story «Forests and pastures» (1883). |
2 Jun 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1881.
You poor understand that place in «Praca», for which you referred to, and this article can invoke the calamity for Lviv people, ever reached the knowledge of the police. (22 Mar 1881, to M. Pavlik)
30 May 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
28 May 2014 New novel
Published three unfinished works of 1878, including novel "Ivas Newest."
1. In the camera at the court / 2. Ivas Newest goes to prison / 4. First evening in the chamber / 5. Ivan's fathers.
26 May 2014 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" are published 4 articles of 1884, including "Two Pan-Slavism."
In the current moment visible obstacle in a struggle for "Pan-Slavism" – Russian-Orthodox and Austrian-Catholic – is the intentionally all-Slavic celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the death of St. Methodius.
24 May 2014 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 3 notes of 1892, including "Ernest Renan".
Not being a primary thinker, he, however, was a great writer and has done more to popularize certain achievements of modern science than the entire schools of German scientists.
22 May 2014 New article on history
The article "Joseph Shumlyansky, last Lviv Orthodox bishop and his "Metrics" (1891) is published.
His transitions from Orthodoxy to the union, from the union of Orthodoxy and back again show that religious questions were for him only part of the policy, and his policy was near endless way of deception, hypocrisy, cunning and treachery.
20 May 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with "Preface to the book of Proverbs" (1889).
Comparing appropriate proverbs of different peoples, one easily come to the conclusion that almost all of them are common to almost all civilized peoples and have nothing specific to a particular people.
18 May 2014 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with review of "Review essay of Mr. Petrov "Essays on the history of Ukrainian literature of XIX century", compiled by Professor N. Dashkevich" (1889)
Work of Dashkevych is a thick book on 265 pages and is incomparably rich material for anyone who wants to work on the history of Ukrainian literature in the broadest sense of the word.
16 May 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 4 notes of 1886, including "Vladimir Maslyak. Poetry."
Be what may, poetry by Maslyak are appearance on our fiction outstanding and worthy of attention. We'll try on occasion to talk more about them.
14 May 2014 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Boryslav is laughing" (1882). Today – next three chapters, including "9. The growth of the labor movement."
Impatient fellows ever more loudly demanded to rise them once already openly and to assume leadership in a wide labor movement.
12 May 2014 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published drama "To be crazed?" (1904).
Or maybe this live burger have a heart? Maybe in this glass – a living blood? Maybe she has some flair, some desire, some… ha, ha, ha!.. some ideals?..
10 May 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish third part of the poem "The fox Mykyta" (1890).
8 May 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Withered Leaves". Today – next 10 verses.
6 May 2014 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first lines of rhyme «Golden eagle» (1883). |
4 May 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
May 3 (yesterday) May 4 (today), 2014 – in the Ukraine national mourning for the dead heroes of struggle for independence and for victims in Odesa.
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1881.
As for our Galician newspapers, it seems to me that you don't loss quite a bit, as they certainly have less of a living juice than in those old sermons, that caused death of Buckle. (Early Jan 1881, to M. P. Dragomanov)
2 May 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
30 Apr 2014 New novel
Published unfinished novel "Gutak" (1876).
1. Ivan Gutak was elected to village elder / 2. Family of Ivan Gutak / 3. Countryside council.
28 Apr 2014 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" is published article "Schools in Galicia in the years 1875 – 1883" (1884).
Our secondary academic institutions will not disgrace the whole world formations, will not be models for reactionary attempts of outlandish obscurants.
26 Apr 2014 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 2 notes of 1891, including "About the prof. Dragomanov".
Accused by the late Tsar Alexander II in separatist aspirations, he was forced to resign, and it was strictly forbidden for him to teach in Ukrainian universities.
24 Apr 2014 New article on history
The article "Half a century" (1891) is published.
In the absolutist state very much depends on the person of leader or leaders, at least thus leaders so it seems that many of them depend.
22 Apr 2014 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Galician-Ruthenian ornament on the Vienna exhibition" (1886).
In the remaining recall also that by the initiative of Miss Ozarkevych our popular diamond cut and diamond ornaments gets himself an ever more ardent supporters and fans in the Czech land.
20 Apr 2014 New portrait of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with picture by I. Trush (1940). |
18 Apr 2014 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with review of the book "History of the ukrainian literature" by O. Ogonovsky (41889).
Ogonovsky consistent with some polemical fervor stay on the Ukrainian national positions extremely diligently defends the idea of independence of Ukraine from Russia and Poland.
16 Apr 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 4 notes of 1886, including "D. L. Mordovets. Stories."
This small booklet contains almost everything impacted for Ukrainian literary by man of not last talent and one of the main masters of Ukrainian language.
14 Apr 2014 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Boryslav is laughing" (1882). Today – next three chapters, including "6. Love of Gottlieb Goldkremer".
First time in her life she kept writing, really poking sense, love, and while in rough form, still clearly exposed deep and vivid love.
12 Apr 2014 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published drama "Booth No 27" (1896).
Oh, he is fat in words, generous promises, can snap at heart, soften, bring you to tears. But God forbid you believe him for poppy seed!
10 Apr 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish second part of the poem "The fox Mykyta" (1890).
8 Apr 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Withered Leaves". Today – next 11 verses.
6 Apr 2014 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of the first preface to I.Franko's translation of the «Faust» by J.W.Goethe (1882) |
4 Apr 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today – last six letters of 1880.
Our newspaper is designed for people, being able very few, that is for young people and peasants. Especially in scientific articles we would like to write more popular as we can. (30 Nov 1880, to F. K. Vovk)
2 Apr 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.