3rd quarter 2014
30 Sep 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
28 Sep 2014 New theater reviews
Published 4 theater reviews of 1888, including "Natalka Poltavka" by Kotljarevsky the "Prologue" by Franko".
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Ivan Kotliarevsky, father of modern Ukrainian literature, given his operetta "Natalka Poltavka."
26 Sep 2014 New publicistic articles
In the section "Publicistics" 4 articles of 1889 are published, including "Political groups in Galicia."
Political power stayed in the hands of the nobility and will remain in her hands until or the the election law will be changed or until the level of people's education does take up.
24 Sep 2014 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 3 notes of 1895, including "Modest Hrynevetsky Letter to Earl M. Ossolinski from 1813."
The very name Vukovic and Serbian spelling of preface would have to convince Hrynevetsky that Bozidar could not be Rusyn.
22 Sep 2014 New article on history
The article "Boon and its abolition in 1848 in Galicia" (1897) is published.
I. What was the boon? / II. Boon in Old Poland / III. Galicia under Austria. Maria Theresa and Joseph II / IV. The hard times of 1790-1835 years.
20 Sep 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with an article "Opryshok Simon Hotyuk" (1893).
So I served folk song of still not known opryshok Semen Hotyuk, recorded in Dalesheva Gorodenka County.
18 Sep 2014 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of villa in Lviv (1902 – 1916). |
16 Sep 2014 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with second part of article "Characteristics of Ukrainian literature 16 – 18 centuries" (1892).
Many children of the former Cossack, once the children of the Lithuanian-Ukrainian magnates, studied in Europe, universities of Goettingen and Geidelberg universities…
14 Sep 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 3 notes of 1890, including "The people."
"The people" should be a popular edition in the sense that it would write available for rural people and deal with the most important issues for the same people.
12 Sep 2014 New novel
In the "Prose" section we publish novel "Zakhar Berkut" (1882).
1. Hunting of nobleman Tuhar Vovk / 2. Failed to suit Maxim Berkut with Miroslava Vovkivna / 3. Zakhar Berkut – leader of Tukhlya community / 4. Tuhar Vovk goes to the side of the Mongols.
10 Sep 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish next six chapters of the poem "The adventures of Don Quijote" (1890).
8 Sep 2014 New verses
We begin to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Old and new". Today – "1. Instead of a prologue. Tale of the Holy Supper."
6 Sep 2014 New index
Posted alphabetic list of prosaic works by Ivan Franko.
4 Sep 2014 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of autograph of work «Life of Ivan Fedorovych and his time» (1884). |
2 Sep 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1882.
I start sending the article "War and army" – admittedly, this is only a compilation, but this is not harm anything; article yet will done the aim. (Early May 1882; to I. M. Belej)
30 Aug 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
28 Aug 2014 New works
Published 2 reviews of 1888, including "Kievan antiquity", and several encyclopedia articles.
To reward readers for a break, the first book of "Kievan antiquity" was published in the triple volume for January, February and March.
26 Aug 2014 New publicistic articles
In the section "Publicistics" 4 articles of 1887 are published, including "Universities in Russia".
The issue of Russian universities has not been resolved and until the despotic system continued – in can not be resolved and will have to remain constant abnormality in the body of the king's despotism.
24 Aug 2014 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 3 notes of 1895, including "Speech at the anniversary M.P. Dragomanov."
After all those 30 years, and even since then, when we are to become a public work, his voice was our encouragement, instruction, guidance, where to go, the voice of conscience – what to do and what not to do.
22 Aug 2014 New article on history
The article "Note on the state of Podolia in 1843" (1896) is published.
This manuscript – a copy of the note, filed in 1843 to Emperor Nicholas by Podillja civil governor of the state of region entrusted to him and concludes interesting information about the way of life.
20 Aug 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with review «Wisła» (1893).
Was published the fourth issue of VI volume of known ethnographic quarterly, which is the glory of the Polish and Slavic science in general.
18 Aug 2014 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of monuments to I. Franko is replenished with photo of monument in Drogobych (1966). |
16 Aug 2014 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with first part of article "Characteristics of Ukrainian literature 16 – 18 centuries" (1892).
Ukrainian dramatic literature, which also started in this period, was the Polish offshoot, or, indeed, of Western religious and customary drama.
14 Aug 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 3 notes of 1889, including "Ukrainian Literature in 1888."
In any field of literary or scientific work last year did not bring any new and valuable phenomenon.
12 Aug 2014 New novel
In the "Prose" section we finish publish novel "Boryslav is laughing" (1882). Today – last five chapters, including " 21. Geschaft of Herman Goldkremer".
Herman, like high heels, sitting in a carriage on a soft seat: so drove him as soon as possible to put into the other hands the huge treasure, which now was a largest part of his estate.
10 Aug 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish next six chapters of the poem "The adventures of Don Quijote" (1890).
8 Aug 2014 New verses
We finish to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Withered Leaves". Today – last 10 verses.
6 Aug 2014 New index
Posted chronological list of works and correspondence by Ivan Franko.
4 Aug 2014 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph of the plan of article «Ukrainians of Galicia» (1883). |
2 Aug 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last four letters of 1881.
So I repeatedly reads "Kobzar". You can not concepts what impression is made the second volume on our people that we were visiting. (27 Nov 1881, to I. M. Belej)
30 Jul 2014 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
28 Jul 2014 New story
The unfinished story "Triumph" (1883) is now published.
But today is this feast doubly hilarious. The first time makes it Dobromylskyj monastery under new guests, reformers of Basilian order – Jesuits.
26 Jul 2014 New publicistic articles
In the section "Publicistics" 4 notes of 1886 are published, including article "Separateness of Galicia."
From 1848, the every new glimpse of freedom, even more important change of the constitutional system of Austria deduced on the day the order to a greater or lesser separateness of Galicia.
24 Jul 2014 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 2 notes of 1894, including "Professor Omelian Ogonovsky".
The deceased was, without a doubt, the most prominent representative of the Ukrainian national party not only in the field of science and literature, but also in the realm of practice to educate people.
22 Jul 2014 New article on history
The article "To the history of Brest Council in 1596" (1895) is published.
This refers to the work entitled "A warning very requisite for the future times to Orthodox Christian." It was preserved for our times in a single copy, which was the property of Lviv Stauropegic.
20 Jul 2014 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "The Jewish War" (1891).
The oldest written trace of this story finds in a researcher in the history of migrations, Paul Deacon.
18 Jul 2014 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of monuments to I. Franko is replenished with photo of monument in Lviv (1964). |
16 Jul 2014 New articles on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with 3 articles of 1892, includung " South Russian gromnik."
Now reports from the same collection gromnik, its text quite different from that which is printed by the late Kostomarov.
14 Jul 2014 New critical notes
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 4 notes of 1888, including "To the light!"
The fight for the light of science, and hence for social equality of two elements, hurt and humiliated for centuries – women and Jews – this is a public foundation of Rapacky's novel.
12 Jul 2014 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Boryslav is laughing" (1882). Today – next four chapters, including "16. Strike-breakers".
As they will see what I can without them, that have my own workers, then come themselves also will asking for. We'll see whose win!
10 Jul 2014 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish next three chapters of the poem "The adventures of Don Quijote" (1890).
8 Jul 2014 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "Withered Leaves". Today – next 10 verses.
6 Jul 2014 New index
Posted alphabetical list of works and translations by Ivan Franko.
4 Jul 2014 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of work «Women slavery in the ukrainian folk songs» (Lviv, 1883) |
2 Jul 2014 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1881.
So, I think you will not be surprised now why my articles contain errors – all written in the countryside, from memory and without guides and I had to write. (Early Nov 1881, to M. P. Dragomanov)