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Ivan Franko

Encyclopedia of the life and works


1st quarter 2020

New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Anyte of Tegea".

1. On the grave of Antibia / 2. On the death of Eratona / 3. On the fountain / 4. Three mielitan women / 5. On the grave of Aminator / 6. On the death of the rooster

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published article "Babylon and the New Testament" (1905).

The Babylonian faith in the "savior king", that is, the sun that does good to the people, is weaking and decaying, and rise again, has given rise to faith in the personal savior kings.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»The girl manipulator» (1896) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of german edition of article «Critical notes on the sources of Cyrillus-Methodius legends» (1906)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Posidippus of Athens."

1. Lysippos’ statue "Moment" / 2. Lysippos’ statue of Alexander the Great / 3. Life paths

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "O. Fotinsky. Volyn religious freethinker of the XVII century" (1905).

He is a stubborn opponent of Rome, Catholicism, the pope, the union and the Jesuits, but at the same time he expresses rather free-thinking, Protestant views that are completely unsuitable for Orthodox dogmas.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

«Fox Mykyta» (1896) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the folklore collection «Kolomyjky», prepared by V.Gnatjuk (1906). I.Franko wrote recension on this edition.

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Nossis of Locris."

1. Praise of love / 2. Visson’s dress / 3. Enemy weapons / 4. Gratitude to the beauty / 5. Portrait of Melinna / 6. Portrait of Sabaytida

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "K. Radchenko. "Epistol about the Sunday" according to the Filipopol and Belgrade copies" (1905).

The author presents two texts, and by a series of comparisons shows that they are closer to the Greek than all Slavonic texts so far known.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»And we are in Europe» (1896) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of collection verses «To Ukraine» by V.Samijlenko (1906), for which I.Franko wrote the preface.

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last three letters of 1894.

I would like to introduce step by step our community to newer manifestations of poetic creativity and to translations of older works that are of interest to us or important in the history of literature. (Dec 21, 1894. To A. Ju. Krymsky)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – three separate poems, includinf "Ellada’s pain".

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "K. Radchenko. Etudes of Bogomilism" (1905).

K. Radchenko defends that middle view that although the Bogomils cannot be recognized as important in the translation of the Apocrypha, on the other hand, the Bogomils used some apocrypha.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

«Barlaam and Joasaph» (1896) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of reprint article «Parable on the blind man and lame man» («Articles in slavic studies», vol. 2, SPb., 1906).

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next three letters of 1894.

Wonderful people! When there is no such publication where they can express their thoughts freely, everyone complains that such an edition should be; but as it is, no one write to it. (Nov 10, 1894. To M. P. Dragomanov)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Menander of Athena".

1. Who loves / 2. In honor of Aphrodite Pandemos / 3. Sacrifices to the gods in Athens / 4. Devours / 5. Cost of native land / 6. The owner is dissatisfied with the cook / 7. Wife-distress

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published atricle "The song about jevshan herb."

What strikes us most about this piece is the quite sympathetic portrayal of love for the country, even if it manifests itself in the implacable enemy of Ukraine.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

«Withered leafs» (1896) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of separate edition work «St.Clement in the Korsun (Chersonesos)» (1906).

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1894.

These days I am going out about the veniam legendi based on my work on Vyshensky (which I sent you the day before). Professors make me hope that they will allow me to docent. (Late Oct. – early Nov 1894. To M. P. Dragomanov)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – "Excerpts from the poem "Phenomena".

1. Introduction / 2. Age of Astraea / 3. Signs in the sky / 4. Signs on the earth

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "S. Brailovsky. To the literary work of Gabriel Dometsky" (1905).

Dometsky played an important role in dogmatic and church disputes in Moscow at the end of the 17th century related to the names of the Likhud brothers; he was suspected of various heresies.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

«Apocryphes and legends fron ukrainian… The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of collection stories «Manipulatory girl and other stories» (1906).

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1894.

You cannot imagine how eagerly I await your Ferdowsi. Remember that in a month it will have to start printing. (Sep 25, 1884. To A. Yu. Krymsky)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Bion Boristhenus".

On the death of Adonis (3) / Eros’ School

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published atricle "Two output pages" (1905).

In general, title and output pages in our old prints are far more rare than prints themselves. The most important reason for this phenomenon was – who would have thought! – establishment of Union.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»King Lavrin» (1895) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of collection «Mission. Plague. Tales and satires» (Lviv, 1906).

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1894.

Miklashevsky was surprised at "Strange thoughts" exactly what you say against the political independence of Ukraine. (Aug 9, 1894. To M. P. Dragomanov)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Difile of Sinop".

1. What to give / 2. Friendly caution.

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "Ukrainian literature in 1904" (1905).

A Brief Overview of Ukrainian History and Literature / Literature and Creation of the Nation / Foci of Ukrainian Literature / Ukrainian Studies in Russia

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New edition of Ivan Franko

«Peasants' movement in Galicia» (1895) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of collection verses «Semper tiro» (1906).

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1894.

Do you know the Bronislaw Zalessky edition about Kyrgyz steppes with wonderful etchings? By the way, there are drawings of Novopetrovsk. (Aug 3, 1894. To M. P. Dragomanov)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Timoclas the Athenian."

1. The benefits of tragedies. / 2. Praise for the spongers.

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "V. M. Istrin. From the field of Old Russian literature" (1904).

Recognizing the very expressive literary physiognomy of only Vladimir-Suzdal literature, prof. Istrin at the same time considers it possible to deny the character of South Russian literature.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

Speech on the M.P.Dragomanov's jubilee… The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of work «Ideas» and «ideals» of galician moscowphile youth» (1905).

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1894.

I am glad that my last failure on my own is forcing me to move away from political activity, to which I have nothing but nervous. (May 13, 1894. To M. P. Drahomanov)

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New translations

We continue publish a book of translations "Choice from Ancient Greek Poets" (1915). Today – the section "From Erinna Lesbian."

1. The image of the girl, dedicated to Prometheus / 2. Premature death / 3. The inscription on the grave of Baukida.

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New article on history of literature

In the section "History of literature" published review "A. I. Sobolevsky. A few thoughts about ancient Russian literature" (1904).

The reason for the fading of Old Russian literature in the XVII century prof. Sobolevsky sees in the Church Slavonic language, incomprehensible to most literate people of that time.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

«Plan of the teaching of the history… The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the first volume of edition «Galician ukrainian folk proverbs» (1905).

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Annual report

«Annual report 2019» is now published.

Annual report of the website «Ivan Franko» for the 2019 year – 1 billion visitors.

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