2nd quarter 2013
30 Jun 2013 New story
In the "Prose" section today we publish second chapter of the story "Boa constrictor" (1884) – "The struggle for wealth".
Slowly in his mind flame up scary, hot, blind lust for money; it muffled all other sorts of sense, closed before his eyes all the obstacles and beckoned him only one purpose – to wealth.
28 Jun 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish unfinished poem "On the rich man that went to buy trouble" (1877).
26 Jun 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the first ten rhymes from cycle «Jail sonnets».
24 Jun 2013 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of autographs and editions is replenished with page from the «Faust» by J.W. Goethe, printed in «Pravda (Truth)» in 1880 in the translation of I.Franko |
22 Jun 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last four letters of 1878.
Now I begin writing a new novel, which will printed in following year. This is not a sketch as «Boa constrictor», this is a psychological novel, the whole community characters of prison life. (After 10 Nov 1878, to O. M. Roshkevych)
20 Jun 2013 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
18 Jun 2013 New article
The article "Ruthenian theater in Galicia" (185) is now published.
1. Seminar Theatre / 2. Theater in Kolomyja / 3. The begin of "Homes conversation" theatre society / 4. Traveling theater / 5. New theater scenes.
16 Jun 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "Two languages and two souls" (1905) is published.
Moscowphiles would not issue even one volume of Naumovich's works, and then of that simple reason that collective edition of these works at the same time would be fatal blow to artificially inflated his glory revealed to all miserability of his writings.
14 Jun 2013 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an obituary "Nicholas Ustianovych" (1885).
Died one of the first adherents of our national spirit, friend of Markian, "nightingale," as he was called by young comrades, died at his old age flying to someone else's field, wishing sing "in the notes."
12 Jun 2013 New work on history
We continue to publish historical monograph "Life of Ivan Fedorovich and his times" by I.Franko. Today – the second part of 13th chapter "I.Fedorovych as deputy in Vienna."
Since Fedorovich's notes one can see how vividly he engaged in Shashkevych's contribution and how sincerely wanted an impartial, fair and non-insulting for the parties regulation of servitude case.
10 Jun 2013 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "On the Ruthenian highlanders in Galicia" (1889).
Ethnographic sketch of Prof. Dr. Kopernycky is really the first systematic survey of Ukrainian highlanders in the Polish ethnographic literature.
8 Jun 2013 New photo with Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1904 among teachers and students of all-ukrainian Higher summer (vacation) courses. |
6 Jun 2013 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with review "Vengerov. Critical biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scholars" (1889).
This includes anyone who has ever done anything for education and literature in Russia, following the one principle that for every important literary figures one easily can learns of monographs and textbooks.
4 Jun 2013 New critical articles
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 4 articles of 1878, including "Literature, its objectives and the chief streaks".
It is very surprising that our and Ukrainian "populists" as long chat about independence, but still do not know how, or did not dare to declare clear and openly statement of their right to political independence.
2 Jun 2013 New story
In the "Prose" section today we publish first chapter of the story "Boa constrictor" (1884) – "German Goldkremer's childhood".
Those youth years hanging nevertheless some heavy curse upon his head – the curse of poverty, curse of suppression of the first fruit of good abilities and good soul.
30 May 2013 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published comedy "Rowan" (version of 1893).
28 May 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish unfinished satirical poem «Prince's dream» (1877).
26 May 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the last seven rhymes from cycle «Free sonnets».
24 May 2013 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of autographs and editions is replenished with cover of the collection «Ballads and songs of famouus european poets» in I.Franko's translations (Lviv, 1879) |
22 May 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next three letters of 1878.
I am printing book our publishing we look ahead, finishing «Boa constrictor», editing and sorting various news from Galicia, writing "Critical letters". (29 Oct 1878, to O. M. Roshkevych)
20 May 2013 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
8 May 2013 New poetic fragment
Fragment of unfinished poem "Snow tale" (1881) is published.
6 May 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "To the history of the socialist movement" (1904) is published.
This paragraph, in my opinion, give the strongest proves for relationship "Communist Manifesto" of the Considerant's manifesto.
4 May 2013 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an obituary "Mary Bartus" (1885).
As she was guilty that for her talent was not found any support or management, that the fate said her to born in Lviv in those part of Polish community, on which is deeply ill for inner hypocrisy and emptiness.
2 May 2013 New work on history
We continue to publish historical monograph "Life of Ivan Fedorovich and his times" by I.Franko. Today – the first part of 13th chapter "I.Fedorovych as deputy in Vienna."
The work of the Kudlich's proposition was the first more important work of the new Sejm and showed all its good and bad omens.
30 Apr 2013 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with review of edition «Jan Karłowicz. Badania podań i ich zbiory» (1884).
His work is just retell some fresh coming out German works and delivers on the basis of their review the history of traveling and changes of four exciting stories, to wit tales of knight Parsifal.
24 Apr 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1904. |
22 Apr 2013 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "Adam Mickiewicz in Ukrainian literature" (1885).
Few and far from adequate translations of the originals – or rather, rewritings of Mickiewicz's poetry in Ukrainian, were likely the result than the intermediary of his impact on us.
14 Apr 2013 New critical articles
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with 4 articles of 1877, including "Roman E. Zola «L'assommoir»".
Some criticized and anathemized author for rough and unprecedented cynicism in presentation, others defended him again for the truth, which clearly breaks with each row of the novel.
12 Apr 2013 New story
In the "Prose" section today we publish last 5 chapters of the story "Converted sinner".
You can view by yourself! – said mister. – Mr. Shmilo can not wait, the government sentence to sell out your house and field and pay the debt. It should not be conversated, so must be!
10 Apr 2013 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published drama "The last penny" (1879).
8 Apr 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish unfinished poem «Olga» (1875).
6 Apr 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the next five rhymes from cycle «Free sonnets».
4 Apr 2013 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of the first edition of I.Franko's translation of dramatic poem «Cain» by J.G.Byron (Lviv, 1879) |
2 Apr 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1878.
We are here after "The Bell", which 10 copies sent to you, issued a pamphlet, which this send. Notwithstanding the fact that this is a translation of "Otechestvennye zapiski", it is now the police confiscated it. (21 Aug 1878, to M.P.Dragomanov)