1st quarter 2013
30 Mar 2013 New translations
In the section «Translations» we begin publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – first 10 verses.
28 Mar 2013 New poetic fragment
Fragment of unfinished poem "Where is the truth in the world?" (1879) is published.
26 Mar 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "Who is greater?" (1901) is published.
A. Petrushevych in his "Summarized Chronicle" in the year 1779 throws thunder for "Galician ukrainophiles" that supposedly want to "make horroble Ukraine-Russian language as common Russian language…"
24 Mar 2013 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an article "Ivan Turgenev" (1883).
Russian Nobility, from generation to generation growing up in idleness and debauchery, had to submit their descendants soft and weak muscles, thin bones, pale blood.
22 Mar 2013 New work on history
We continue to publish historical monograph "Life of Ivan Fedorovich and his times" by I.Franko. Today – "12. The beginning of the 1848 revolution".
First performances 13 – March 20, 1848 / Campaigning of Dobzhansky / Organization of National Guard / Tsutsyliv case / Formation of National Council / Governor's fighting against council / Elections to the Sejm.
20 Mar 2013 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with review of edition «Sagen und Märchen der Südslaven» (1883).
In the first book, he gives us the 108 any longer, any shorter tales in German – not translation, but very witty processing.
18 Mar 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1903. |
16 Mar 2013 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article «Zarysy ruchu literackiego rusinów» (Essays on ukrainian literary movement, 1885).
General about «Zarysach ruchu lit. Rusinów» we should say, there is no characteristic of the "movement" itself, so the relationship and the growth of certain ideas, certain areas of literature and language.
14 Mar 2013 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with "Literary letters" (1876).
My writing goals are to assess newer literary works not only ukrainian, but and all who interpret all of the Slavs.
12 Mar 2013 New story
In the "Prose" section today we publish next 5 chapters of the story "Converted sinner".
Sly jew, seeing that Basil's farm great, even though neglected, fell beside him, counseled, comforted, feeded and slowly–slowly suck out everything that was possible to suck.
10 Mar 2013 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published earlier drama "Slavoj and Khrudosh" (1875).
Oh, what it means, a stranger or hell what! Nevertheless the same alien has not two larynx and two bellies! Do not worry, one can its not fill own hole-ridden sack as soon as good stranger's one!
8 Mar 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we finish to publish poem "Lord's jokes" (1887). Today – last 4 chapters.
6 Mar 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the first five rhymes from cycle «Free sonnets».
4 Mar 2013 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of draft autograph of play «Last penny» (1879) |
2 Mar 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1878.
And really, what I deserved for such attachment, can I repay it? What I can sustain your hope, your strength when I myself have them too little? (30 July 1878, to O.M. Roshkevych)
28 Feb 2013 New translation
In the section «Translations» published the translation (1891) of the poem "Poor Heinrich" after Hartman von Aue.
26 Feb 2013 New poetic fragment
Fragment of unfinished poem "Samijlo Kishka" (1875) is published.
24 Feb 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "Socialism and social democracy" (1897) is published.
Social-democratic movement – not necessarily socialist / Dialectical method / Surplus value / Concentration of capital / Materialist interpretation of history / Omnipotence of state.
22 Feb 2013 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an article "Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov" (1881).
All his works are sketches for biography not the creator, as the great Monsters that called Russian Empire.
20 Feb 2013 New work on history
We continue to publish historical monograph "Life of Ivan Fedorovich and his times" by I.Franko. Today – "11. A.Nykorovych".
Nykorovych immediately think Jewish damnation flippantly, but quickly heard on whole his farm its strength.
18 Feb 2013 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Old Romanesque-Germanic story in the mouth of the Ukrainian people".
Ukrainian novel stay in fact far above and shows at far more humane and liberal looking people on human rights and appointment of women.
16 Feb 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1913. |
14 Feb 2013 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "Woman-mother in Shevchenko's poems" (1882).
We will try to show how in the head of Shevchenko developed an ever higher and better type of woman-mother, insulted in the most sacred feelings and lifted up in grief and tears to an ever higher heights.
12 Feb 2013 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with a review of the poetry collection "Trioletes" by L.Slavomyr (1876).
But we should notify that with all his zeal for the form author forgot, maybe, on second, equally, if not more stand in poetry – about content.
10 Feb 2013 New story
In the "Prose" section today we publish next 5 chapters of the story "Converted sinner".
But consider that all be in your consciences, that for every piece of parent's land, letting in bad Jewish hands, you will give a hard account before God!
8 Feb 2013 New comedy
In the section "Dramatic works" published comedy "Rowan (ed. 1886)".
I hurt the community, offend much single people, but god punishes me for this and you, dear congregation, severely punished. And that, your truth, and I still will not go against the community.
6 Feb 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we continue to publish poem "Lord's jokes" (1887). Today – next 4 chapters.
4 Feb 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the cycle «Wasps».
2 Feb 2013 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of printed text (1890) of story «Schönschrieben» (1879) with author's corrections. |
30 Jan 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1878.
With such composition of editorial board, as we have, and with such help, as we receive, the magazine will not only badly one-sided, but quickly and completely cease to come with regard to financial state. (late Apr 1878, to M.P.Dragomanov)
28 Jan 2013 New translation
In the section «Translations» published the translation (1911) of "Babylonian hymns and prayers".
Introduction / I. Sumerians and Semites / II. Inscriptions of Babylonian kings / III. Prayers and spells / IV. Penitential prayers.
26 Jan 2013 New poetic fragment
Fragment of unfinished poem "Missing man" (1883) is published.
24 Jan 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "Necessity of reform teaching Russian literature in our high schools" (1884) is published.
1. Stagnation in Ukrainian literature / 2. Bad teachers / 3. Harming of Moscowphilism.
22 Jan 2013 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an article "Mykola Lysenko" (1881).
From this brief review of Lysenko's works see as fertility of his talent as upon all honest direction of his work.
20 Jan 2013 New work on history
We continue to publish historical monograph "Life of Ivan Fedorovich and his times" by I.Franko. Today – "10. Abolition of serfdom in 1848".
Measures of gentry in 1840's / Project by T.Vasylevski / Measures of Government / Events in 1847 / Imperial patent of April 17, 1848 / Reimbursement for gentlemen.
18 Jan 2013 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Women unfreedom in ukrainian folk songs" (1882).
When it is true that measure of culture for all peoples can serve the attitude of people to women, the Ukrainian people after this measure appears highly cultural in comparison to the neighboring nations.
16 Jan 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1903. |
14 Jan 2013 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "Note on the life and writing of Ernst F. Schulze" (1882).
"Sworn rose" – these mostly lyrical poem. Personality of poet, his unrequited love, his gentle, sensitive nature, his admiration for poetry is seen with each stanza.
12 Jan 2013 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with n review of the poetry collection "Stryzhok" by I.Schypavka (1876).
That is why I think that there is not a time for such satire, but for the general public to the province, which don't know about literary life, will stay completely unclear.
10 Jan 2013 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published earlier drama «Jugurta» (1873).
8 Jan 2013 New story
In the "Prose" section today we publish first 5 chapters of the story "Converted sinner".
Second hand let the rope, basket staggered and Michael with terrible blind cry fell into the abyss and disappeared in the thick darkness. From the depths one hear just how gurgle like a log, in the oil.
6 Jan 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we continue to publish poem "Lord's jokes" (1887). Today – next 4 chapters.
4 Jan 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the last 5 rhymes from cycle «To known and unknown».
2 Jan 2013 Annual report published
Annual report of the website «Ivan Franko» for the 2012 year published – 97 thousands visitors.