4th quarter 2013
30 Dec 2013 New novel
In the "Prose" section today we publish novel "At the bottom" (1880).
They agree – give their lives in the struggle for freedom: the freedom of the people of foreign power, human freedom from the shackles, freedom of work, thought, science, freedom of heart and mind.
28 Dec 2013 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published drama "The Dream of Prince Svyatoslav" (1895).
26 Dec 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish poem "With Love" (1889).
24 Dec 2013 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of autographs and editions is replenished with title page of I.Franko's book «About the labour» (1881). |
22 Dec 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last five letters of 1879.
Will the "New foundation" be politicking, it's still a big question, except that one will understood by politicking wary of speaking in one simple goal, not to sit in prisons. (Ca 15 Nov 1879, to M. I. Pavlik)
20 Dec 2013 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
18 Dec 2013 New review
The review "Truth", scientific and literary writing from 1867 to 1883" (1884) is now published.
Giving honor the memory of those workers of our literature, and tried to bring in this index works of one and the second that were published the "Truth" and in other publications (especially in the "Dilo").
16 Dec 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article «Die Polen und Ruthenen in Galizien von dr. Josef Szujski» (1882) is published.
The biggest, principal error in the Szujski's work is that both nations which ethnographic separateness he admits, he treated at a heap.
14 Dec 2013 New biographical notes
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published 2 notes of 1886, including "To the biography of Casper Cenglewicz".
This poem was written when Cenglewicz, escaped of police prison in Lviv, persecuted everywhere and submissed entice of friends, rushed to the idea to flee abroad.
12 Dec 2013 New articles on history
Five articles on history are published, including "In the history of our rebirth."
In the seminary at that time there were many genuine artistic talents, all in vain disappear later. So above named Sloniewsky, actor and singer, was also good painter.
10 Dec 2013 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Flood the world" (1883).
1. Origin of Genesis book / 2. Two stories about the flood / 3. Difference and commonality of two stories / 4. Babylonian story of the flood / 5. The similarity of the Babylonian and Jewish stories.
8 Dec 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1910. |
6 Dec 2013 New recension on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with recension "Dr. Omelian Ogonovsky. Markian Shashkevych, about his life and writing" (1887).
Much more important part of this little book is the political basis on which deployed biography are those sections in which the scientist professor briefly, clearly and honestly tells the story of the ukrainian peasant.
4 Dec 2013 New critical articles
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with a 5 articles of 1884.
Kongrua father Zhehalovych / Poetry by Julia Schneider and Clementia Popovich / Works by Vladimir Navrotsky / New series of "Ukrainian library", first volume.
2 Dec 2013 New stories
In the "Prose" section today we publish 5 stories of 1879 – 1881, including "Schönschrieben".
But such is the power of tyrant's press that pretty tyrant smiling, and all that are under his yoke will laughing regardless of what actually laughing themselves on their trouble.
30 Nov 2013 New comedy
In the section "Dramatic works" published comedy "Master Chyrnyak" (1894).
We, our class as whole, a new danger threatens. Carries a hell some englishman. He wants lay there a large factory shoes, five storehouses in Lviv, warehouses in all the big cities of Galicia.
28 Nov 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish poem «Saint Valentius» (1885).
26 Nov 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the begin of cycle "Jewish melodies".
24 Nov 2013 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph translation of verse «The men have in dwellings…» by N.A.Nekrasov. |
22 Nov 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1879.
At the uttermost vacations I began to write my story to the "New basis" – "Borislav laughs." This novel is a bit on the extensively scale as to my previous novels. (Ca. Sep 14 1879, to O. M. Roshkevych)
20 Nov 2013 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
18 Nov 2013 New review
The review of the book «Studien auf dem Gebiete der ruthenischen Sprache von dr. Emil Ogonowski» (1881) is now published.
This is undoubtedly the most essential work on the ukrainian language studies, which still appeared in Galicia and is a good addition for the language publications by Zhytetsky and Potebnja.
16 Nov 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "Pupil's library in Drogobych" (1878) is published.
The greatest weight laid there on fiction and poetry, and guessed on the basis that fiction assured to be most read.
14 Nov 2013 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an obituary "Emanuel Geibel" (1884).
Geibel never was contemporary poet in the full sense of the word – his poetry is smooth, clean, lucid as cut glass but little anemic.
12 Nov 2013 New articles on history
Five articles on history are published, including "Poem about the state of Galicia (1772-1809)."
We see, therefore, that aforecited aptly describes the time and relationships in Galicia at the end of the 18th and the first years of the 19th century.
10 Nov 2013 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Folk beliefs associated with the birth of the child" (1879).
Introduction. Science Comparative Ethnology / 1. Looking for pregnancy / 2. Look at birth.
8 Nov 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1910. |
5 Nov 2013 Cooperation with e-archive
According to the agreement with our website will be periodically copied to this archive.
We consider this as a recognition of our work.
4 Nov 2013 New notes on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with three notes of 1886, including "St. Rudansky. Song of neif woman for the child".
This beautiful song stand a moment to know poetry of the late Rudansky we received from Boris Poznansky, rewritten from memory.
2 Nov 2013 New critical articles
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with a 5 articles of 1883, including "Antigone".
P. Nischinsky put a goal to not only translate, but also popularize grand drama of Sophocles, and this will be for him the highest praise when we say that he almost managed to fully comprehend this target.
30 Oct 2013 New stories
In the "Prose" section today we publish 5 stories of 1878 – 1879, including "The pencil".
I was feeled so hard, as if something inside me sear that when should be some evil for Stephen by pencil, in would be also my fault.
28 Oct 2013 New drama
In the section "Dramatic works" published drama "The judge of Zalamea" (1894).
26 Oct 2013 New poem
In the section "Poems" we publish poem «Ex nihilo» (1885).
24 Oct 2013 New verses
We continue to publish a collection of poems of Ivan Franko "From peaks and lowlands". Today – the cycle "Galician sketches."
22 Oct 2013 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of autographs and editions is replenished with page of «Svit (World)» journal with begin of 5th chapter of I.Franko's novel «Boryslav is laughing» (1881). |
20 Oct 2013 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1879.
Now sending you the first part of the article about priests. I shall be glad to finish it as soon as possible, so now all works, I do not know if it can handle. (Early July 1879, to M. I. Pavlik)
18 Oct 2013 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publish the cycle of translations (1912) «Old arabian verses». Today – next 10 verses.
16 Oct 2013 New preface
The "Foreword from the publisher "Small library" (1879) is now published.
Article that we begin a series of pedagogical articles in our publishing, was written more than 20 years ago, but not yet lost its scientific value nor its persuasive force.
14 Oct 2013 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" an article "Woman-mother" (1876) is published.
12 Oct 2013 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an obituary "Vladimir Barvinsky" (1883).
Since then, feel free to say, "The Truth" was standed mostly about his own work. Many of his critics, reviews, scientific and socio-political articles testified his tireless work.
10 Oct 2013 New work on history
The article "The history of Russian church in last times of the Polish Commonwealth" (1885) is published.
For the first time give a verbatim extract from the old metric village Krasnostavtsi near Sniatyn, that provided for us by Vladimir Ozarkevych.
8 Oct 2013 New article on folklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with «Note to the publication of tale» (1876).
6 Oct 2013 New photo of Ivan Franko
The portrait gallery of Ivan Franko is replenished with photo of 1910. |
4 Oct 2013 New notes on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with three notes of 1886, including "Bibliography of the works of S. Rudansky".
Among works by S. Rudansky that still not published yet our editors has in manuscript (copy) "War of frogs with mice", which will soon be published in the "Dawn".
2 Oct 2013 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with a review of "First poverty, then the well-being" (1876).
The best is when will be submitted to our people the examples of people who starting from nothing on their own forces earned their living.