2nd quarter 2016
30 Jun 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "The Poles and Ukrainians" (1897).
Not all Polish nation puts hands to the noble policy; but, unfortunately, we have to say also that most of the Polish patriots and democrats do not yet understand it.
28 Jun 2016 New article on history
We start to publish the article "Notes on the History of Ukraine-Rus’" (1912). Today – the first 8 chapters, including "6. Vladimir Baptism".
Basically mistaken seems to me construction prof. Hrushevsky about Vladimir baptism.
26 Jun 2016 New article on foklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Dog Blood" and "Dog Faith" (1895).
Open like two layers: the new, in which the dog is treated lightly, ironically, with disdain, and older, where she was said with respect, even reverence.
24 Jun 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1886 – 1887). |
22 Jun 2016 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published an article "On Barlaam and Josaphat and the parable of the Unicorn." Today – "1. Progress and current state of literary-historical study of "Barlaam and Josaphat".
The content of the novel / The value of novel / Latin, French, German version / Italian, Czech, Polish version / Serbian, Ruthenian, Romanian version.
20 Jun 2016 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "The word of criticism" (1896).
Let the person of the author, his world view, his way of feeling the external and internal world and his style is manifested in his work most closely.
18 Jun 2016 New story
In the «Prose» section we publish story "Pantalaha" (1888).
Mr. Director, – said quietly. – Your work is to watch me, and my work to escape. If I had to sit only one day, but today I have the opportunity to run, he would have escaped. That is my nature.
16 Jun 2016 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published an obituary "Sergei Kravchinski (Stepniak)" (1896).
The first phase of this change was his idea of organizing a peasant uprising like the Cossack uprisings Razin and Pugachev.
14 Jun 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1882.
12 Jun 2016 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the beginning of article «Our people's schools and their needs» in the journal «Narod (The people)» (1892). |
10 Jun 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1885.
I feel, very well feel weight of the problem laid on me and so wanted to stand and make a decisive step only after well thinking and hearing advices all sincere and even insincere people. (Mar 21, 1885. To A. Ja. Konysky)
8 Jun 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "Second performance Gaius Marcius Coriolanus (491 BC).".
6 Jun 2016 New review
Published review "Publication of the Shevchenko Scientific Society" (1895).
Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv issued, in fact, two new volumes of his scientific papers, and there are the seventh volume of "Proceedings" and the first volume of "Ethnographic collection".
4 Jun 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "We in Europe too" (1896).
"Hungarian patriotism" of most commands before all seek benefits for themselves keep peasants far from education and science, just read the Magyar newspapers.
2 Jun 2016 New article on history
Published an "Fundamentals of the new Slavonic policy" by Bakunin" (1912).
The whole concept of Slavic brotherhood not only utopian but also quite idyllic and tend not involved in the political and constitutional details of the issue.
30 May 2016 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "From ethnology society" (1895).
Subsequently, Dr. Franko made a speech about modern trends in ethnology. The speaker began by the definition of "ethnology".
28 May 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of Galagan's collegium in Kiev (1885 – 1886). |
26 May 2016 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with an article "On the history of the southern Russian apocryphal tales" (1894).
Wanting to help resolve possible problems I have outlined, I now try to make a list of known hitherto in print or in manuscript apocryphal south Russian articles.
24 May 2016 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "News of our literature" (1907).
With all this, we consider this the volume of short stories as best gift that are bestowed upon us by publishing "Age."
22 May 2016 New story
In the «Prose» section we publish story "Hero against will" (1887).
Bravo, old, bravo! – said several witnesses to his inadvertent heroism. – You tore her from the very hell, deliver from certain death!
20 May 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1881.
18 May 2016 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the translation verses by H.Heine (1892). |
16 May 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1885.
The new magazine will come two inveterate enemies of our Russian click, which will pour denunciations to all sides: in Russian, and Austrian police – and procuratorium (Before Mar 20, 1885. To M. P. Dragomanov)
14 May 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "From hungry year (492 BC)."
1. Embassy Romans to Etruria / 2. People complain Senate / 3. The dispute between the consuls and tribunes / 4. Speech Brutus / 5. Act tribunes power / 6. Rich helping poor with bread.
12 May 2016 New review
Published review "Galician-Ruthenian bibliography of the 19th century" (1895).
In this issue we find a very interesting list of persons who from 1860 to 1886 were editors of Russian-Galician magazines; such individuals listed 107.
10 May 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Changing the system" (1896).
Of course, good for Ukrainians such meager subsidies that are given them, but really should canine fidelity, to see in those miserable subventions "the foundations of our national development."
8 May 2016 New article on history
Published a review "Michael Dragomanov. Fallen time" (1909).
The basic idea Dragomanov that all the time spent by the Ukrainian people from 1654 until 1876, was missed times, seems to me too pessimistic.
6 May 2016 New article on foklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Two schools in folklore" (1895).
Dr. Biegelaisen stay, apparently, in his work on the basis of anthropological school and gets at the very core error, which is allowed by the school, treating the history phenomena as if they were natural phenomena.
4 May 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of theatre in Lviv (1884 – 1898). |
2 May 2016 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with review "The new edition of Shakespeare" (1894).
In this publication should be submitted article that presented after the latest research from the life and works of Shakespeare evaluation and analysis of all his works.
30 Apr 2016 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "Review of Ukrainian Literature in 1906" (1907).
When we talk about serious fiction in "Free Ukraine", the fact remains the only one truly gifted writer, mr. V.Vynnychenko.
28 Apr 2016 New story
In the «Prose» section we publish story «Jandrusy» (Street boys, 1905).
Vladko and Nachko, two twin brothers, teens aged ten years, known for their agility and speed in the legs. Nobody from all company can not to handle in the garden better them.
26 Apr 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – last 12 works of 1880.
24 Apr 2016 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of polish autograph novel «Dla ogniska domowego (For the home hearth)» (1892). |
22 Apr 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1885.
So yesterday have comed to me men, of 12 young people, and adopted every means to issue a separate paper, which would "join us with Europe." (Jan 2, 1885. To M. P. Dragomanov)
20 Apr 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "The first performance Gaius Marcius Coriolanus (493 BC).".
1. The war against Volsci / 2. Attack on the city Corioli / 3. Heroism Gaius Marcius / 4. Feat of Gaius in the second battle / 5. Gaius renamed as Coriolanus
18 Apr 2016 New theater review
Published review "Ukrainian theater" (1894).
Mr. Lopatinsky as Semen (seducer) was in a difficult situation so that the role of the fault and the author remained unclear and undeveloped with due accuracy.
16 Apr 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Latest Galician elections" (1895).
I was the candidate in Galicia and tested "full legitimacy" Galician elections, so to speak, in my own skin. Now I can tell from my own view and experience.
14 Apr 2016 New article on history
Published a review "A. Spitcin. Historical and archeological finding" (1910).
It seems to me that the author had underestimated the political and armed value of Tmutarakan in 10 – 12 centuries and not clearly realized the value of the Polovtsian collision in the second half of the 12th century.
12 Apr 2016 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Where did the name "bojki" appeared?" (1895).
Dislike of the low-landers to Boyko people can not have anything to do with the name "bojki"; its derogatory shade could move from people to name, which initially could not have this shade.
10 Apr 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1883 – 1885). |
8 Apr 2016 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "Ethnology and history of literature" (1894).
The spiritual life of the people in all its sectors – such is the broad foundation on which to build this new conception of literary history.
6 Apr 2016 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with review "Century (1798 – 1898)" (1902).
Here we note only the main trend of compilers – to choose all the best that revealed the Ukrainian fiction 100 years of thy flowering of 1798, with all the space inhabited by the Ukrainian people.
4 Apr 2016 New novel
In the "Prose" section we finish publish novel "Lel and Polel" (1887). Today – chapter "10. Happiness and death Vladko".
All that before this minute has been happiness, hope and pride – as if even now ceased to exist for him. A terrible lightning inexplicable pain.
2 Apr 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – first 11 works of 1880.