1st quarter 2016
30 Mar 2016 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with fragment of article «Ukrainian «nationals» and radicals», printed in polish newspaper «Kurjer Lwowski (Lviv Herald)» (1891). |
28 Mar 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last four letters of 1884.
I don't impose in editorship, though you know best, that I gladly would have accepted it. (Late Dec 1884. To I. M. Belej)
26 Mar 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "Last battle Tarquinii [496 BC]."
1. Dictator Aulus Posthuma / 2. Romans come near to the Latin army / 3. Prepare for final battle / 4. Dictator’s speech before the battle / 5. Battle with Latins / 6. Defeat of Latins
24 Mar 2016 New review
Published review "From Ukrainian literature" (1894).
Dr. Kolessa first consider from this point of view the whole Shevchenko's poetic heritage and concludes that Shevchenko was under the influence of Mickiewicz mainly youth, in the age of Romanticism.
22 Mar 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Something about Polish-Ukrainian relations" (1895).
Highlighting the importance of Ukrainian issues for Poles national cause, I warned against too superficial approach to the issue.
20 Mar 2016 New article on history
Published an article "To March days in 1848 in Lviv" (1910).
In this communique, stylized famous Austrian historian, one can say, there is not a word of truth.
18 Mar 2016 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article «Towarzystwo ludoznawcze» (1895).
In those statutes states that the new society should be called «Towarzystwo ludoznawcze», his place is Lviv, and his goal – scientific studies Polish people and neighbors.
16 Mar 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1881). |
14 Mar 2016 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "M. Shashkevych and Galician ukrainian literature" (1894).
The spirit of Shashkevych's poetry was new, fresh and original; there was new its individual, subjective nature.
12 Mar 2016 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "Ukrainian literature and science in 1899" (1900).
Now it is clear: the fire erupted well; intermissions in our flowering are impossible.
10 Mar 2016 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Lel and Polel" (1887). Today – chapter "8. Vladko protects peasants and loves Regina."
Reflecting on herself, Regina slowly convinced that she loves Vladko, that without him can not live, without him all the treasures of the world have no value for her.
8 Mar 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1879.
6 Mar 2016 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of autograph article «Taras Shevchenko» (1891). |
4 Mar 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next four letters of 1884.
Shevchenko Society – as we told you is true – really stretched out a hand to the "Star" of hatred or envy me. (Dec 6, 1884. To O. Ja. Konysky)
2 Mar 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "The first dictator of Rome [499 BC]."
8. Senate approves establish a dictatorship / 9. Titus Larcius dictator / 10. The essence of dictatorial power / 11. Titus defeats the Latins.
28 Feb 2016 New article
Published article "Addition of the Gospel" (1894).
However Notovych not want to neglect the author fame and decided to publish as separate book description of his journey, the translation of the text and comments to it.
26 Feb 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "The peasant movement in Galicia" (1895).
The result of the wonderful intertwining of historical events and processes it so that Ukrainians in Galicia became clearly peasant nation.
24 Feb 2016 New article on history
Published an article "To the history of 1848" (1909).
1. March days 19-25 / 2. Events of April and May / 3. June, July and August. Elections to the Council of State.
22 Feb 2016 New article on foklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with article "Folklore works Dr. Chenek Zibrt" (1894).
For Dr. Zibrt as there are no "issues" – neither methodological nor deeper, sociological and psychological, that tally with folklore.
20 Feb 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1880 – 1881). |
18 Feb 2016 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with article "Etymology and phonetics in ukrainian literature" (1894).
The trouble is that the fighting at the etymology and phonetics broke our already very scanty reading public into two hostile camps, fanatical and exclusive each against other.
16 Feb 2016 New critical note
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with note "Mytro Olelkovich" (1895).
Mytro Olelkovich written few in Ukrainian: this little book contains all that known his Ukrainian writings. Nevertheless he should be enrolled to our best prosaists.
14 Feb 2016 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Lel and Polel" (1887). Today – chapter "6. Party. Newspaper. Gentry. Regina".
Nachko trembling hand took a card and looked hurriedly who invited her to a three quadrille? Vladko! What is it, Regina had a similarly strong and mighty impression on him also?
12 Feb 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1878.
10 Feb 2016 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph verse «Why so I love you, the beauty» from the «Withered leafs» collection (1891). |
8 Feb 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1884.
From my side, I can say only one – that I will try to put the "Star" so it was really on the leading European in thoughts and views. (Nov 5, 1884. To O. Ja. Konysky)
6 Feb 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "How not to Sabine, the Latin [501 BC]."
1. Mark Horace Ambassador to Latin / 2. Latin going to fight with Rome / 3. Tarquinius incited to rebellion Rome slaves / 4. Confessions Mark and Publius.
4 Feb 2016 New article
Published article "Ukrainian theater" (1894).
1. South Rus theater XVI – XVIII cent. / 2. New Theatre on Ukraine prior to 1880 / 3. Ukrainian theater in Galicia prior to 1864.
2 Feb 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "The legal status of Ukrainian literature in Russia" (1895).
To the reader could develop a proper assessment rate for those "legal" circumstances, including vegetate writing one fraternal, 18,000,000th Slavic people under the rod of Russia.
30 Jan 2016 New article on history
Published an article "Taine as a historian of the French Revolution" (1908).
All reactionary, feudal, clerical, anti-Semitic and anti-democratic in France based on Taine, derive all sorts of retrograde politics and braggart time past their best evidence from Taine.
28 Jan 2016 New article on foklore
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with review "Folklore collection F. Kraus" (1894).
Evidently trend books – to make fun old attempts of some scientists to research different national "spirits", "popular holy things", "not falsified popular types and worldviews."
26 Jan 2016 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Drogobych (1880). |
24 Jan 2016 New article on history of literature
The section "History of literature" is replenished with review "Basil Shchurat. Notes to the poem Taras Shevchenko "Monk" (1894).
Mr. Shchurat recalls well and proves quite true that Shevchenko had heard an analogy between his fate and the fate of Palij and Palij's ideals reckonned as his own.
22 Jan 2016 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "From the new Czech literature" (1895).
I highly appreciate those descriptions: author’s talent shines in them in all power and I think that they actually indicate best way wherever his talents go further.
20 Jan 2016 New novel
In the "Prose" section we continue publish novel "Lel and Polel" (1887). Today – chapter "4. Secret grandfather Semko Tuman."
Well, what about his own treasure grandfather did you not say? – Patting guys on the head, since the sweeter smile asked prison superior.
18 Jan 2016 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1875 – 1877.
16 Jan 2016 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with beginning of article «Peasants' program» in the polish journal «Przyjaciel Ludu (The friend of common people)» (1890). |
14 Jan 2016 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1884.
Still I did not answer your letter because I wanted to send at one event for the "Annex" my work, and it is a historical article about Lukyan Kobylytsja, which has just finished. (Sep 27, 1884. To Adam Wislicki)
12 Jan 2016 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – second half of the poem "The further into the forest, the more wood [502 BC]."
10 Jan 2016 New review
Published review "Galician-ukrainian bibliography of the 19th century" (1894).
In addition to ending text bibliography in this issue began printing index of authors and titles of publications.
8 Jan 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "From visitality in Prague" (1895).
1. Prague – Czech city / 2. Ethnographic Exhibition / 3. Description of exhibition. / 4. Women's Gymnasium.
6 Jan 2016 New article on history
Published a review "N. Vasilenko. Joseph Maksimovich Bodyansky and his contributions to the study of the Ukraine" (1905).
Much gratitude to him that brought together all the more important of the scattered and sometime little available brochures, magazine articles and materials.
4 Jan 2016 New article on ethnography
The section «Ethnography and folklore» is replenished with note "The Lviv exhibition" (1894).
At June 1 of this year in Lviv will be opened regional Polish-Ukrainian exhibition, for which made great preparations.
2 Jan 2016 Report 2015
«Annual report 2015» about site operation now published.
Annual report of the website «Ivan Franko» for the 2015 year – 406 thousands visitors.