1st quarter 2017
30 Mar 2017 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – "King-God" (1892).
28 Mar 2017 New memoirs
I. Franko’s memoirs"The first year of the publication of "Public voice" (1916) now published.
Budzynovsky is truly began publication "Public voice", which held on his shoulders the whole year.
26 Mar 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page collection of verses «Withered leafs» (1896). |
24 Mar 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1886.
I’m going after holidays to Kyiv and Odessa, when you have something to convey that which you believe to renegade hands, I am ready to serve. (Apr 6, 1886. To M. P. Dragomanov)
22 Mar 2017 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "Galli and Germani."
1. State of Gallia in the time of Caesar / 2. Knights and Druids in Gallia / 3. Religion and customs galls / 4 Customs Germans / 5. Natural world of Germany.
20 Mar 2017 New announcement
The announcement "The parable of the Unicorn and its Bulgarian version" (1897) now published.
This parable in Slavic, probably Bulgarian soil was very early reworked the "Parable of the rich man."
18 Mar 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "In the case of "Berdyaev contra Makovei" (1899).
Because really, what do you say about a man who scolds you an denunciator for what you called it a patriot?
16 Mar 2017 New biographical article
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with article "William Evert Gladstone, his pysatelska and scientific activities" (1898).
Having started his political career as conservative, he finished it as radical, federalist, little not a socialist.
14 Mar 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with review «Monumenta confraternitatis stauropigianae Leopoliensis» (1899).
So and the second part of the first volume we have to make the same accusations, made by our reviewer for first one: lack of description documents.
12 Mar 2017 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "«Lud», proceedings ethnology society in Lviv" (1896).
Author of great erudition argues that the right of the first night, which is usually considered a work of medieval age and feudal relations residue was really relict of very ancient haeterism.
10 Mar 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1898 – 1912). |
8 Mar 2017 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published an article "Hypatia Potiy church as a writer" (1895).
Said in the introduction relative neglect of literary works Potiy in our century and their importance for better understanding and evaluation of this outstanding personality.
6 Mar 2017 New critical note
In the section "Literary criticism" published review "Tereshko Damned. A. D. G." (1905).
This poem, written some very little intelligent author, naive way old Ukrainian poetry Beletsky-Nosenko and Kostrytsky.
4 Mar 2017 New story
In the «Prose» section we publish story "Between the good people" (1890).
I listened to his words as cold pole. He began to comfort me, saying that he never forgets about me, that I would write – but I know that he needs consolation.
2 Mar 2017 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1891.
28 Feb 2017 New memoirs
I. Franko’s note "The history of my illness" (1908) now published.
Obviously, people that ogranized those folds and submitted ads that have some interest in the fact that the general public did not know to whom go folds and for what reason.
26 Feb 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with beginning of article «Peasants' movement in Galicia» (1895). |
24 Feb 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1886.
Your letter is too short and too proofless to persuade people with views not convergent with you, but rather sharp and categorical, to bring an irritation in elders. (Mar 3, 1886. To M. P. Dragomanov)
22 Feb 2017 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "War of Caesar with Ariovistus [58 – 57 BC]."
2. The complaint Divitiak to Ariovistus / 3. Trouble of Sequani / 4. Negotiations Caesar with Ariovistus / 5. Siege Vesontia / 6. Caesar’s speech to the troops
20 Feb 2017 New announcement
The announcement "Monuments of Ukrainian language and literature" (1897) now published.
There are also tales of biblical themes and descriptions of places other than the Bible, and biographies of persons, which the Bible is really a small reference and instruction, and prophecy.
18 Feb 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Future, socio-political magazine for Ukrainian people" (1899).
How editorg thinking to attain this high goal, not yet mentioned, and we think that in its styling and motivation are some fatal errors and omissions.
16 Feb 2017 New obituary
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with "Panko Kulish, obituary" (1897).
The man was very talented, keen, industrious and thus, sick limitless ambition, that was the source of all his mistakes and grievous sin against our nationality.
14 Feb 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with "Letter M.Shashkevych brother Anton" (1896).
A letter of this emanates certain sadness, and now we see that man wrote it though beaten by fate, but did not broken in his sense of filial love for the mother.
12 Feb 2017 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review «К. Potkanski. Postrzyżyny u słowian i germanów» (1896).
After all, there is no doubt that the very ritual tonsure monks and nuns emerged from the sphere of ideas, which emerged first haircut children.
10 Feb 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1896 – 1902). |
8 Feb 2017 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published an article "Old christian literature" (1895).
The concept old christian literature authors of this work treat widely and give an overview of not only the so-called orthodox literature, but also a review of New Testament Apocrypha and sectarian literature.
6 Feb 2017 New critical note
In the section "Literary criticism" published review "Samples. Poetry Taras Virny" (1905).
Samples, unfortunately, quite unfit and without any literary value.
4 Feb 2017 New short story
In the «Prose» section we publish short story "Gershko Goldmacher" (1890).
Gershko purchased village for himselves – the nobleman was only cover, because at that time Jews could not freely occupy soil in the villages. He did not buy for his money, but for borrowed in the Jewish community in Drohobych.
2 Feb 2017 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – "Journey to the Moon" (1890).
30 Jan 2017 New memoirs
I. Franko’s memoirs "My friends Jews" (1903) now published.
Jews-students did not intervene in these discussions and kept the side of national antagonism, then there was not also a duty for Jews manifest themselves Polish patriots.
28 Jan 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with beginning of speech on the M.P.Dragomanov's jubilee, published in the journal «Narod (The people)» (1895). |
24 Jan 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1886.
Retreat away from the "Dawn" I do not consider, if only for the fact that I did not myself willingly came to it, but on behalf of youth. (Feb 26, 1886. To O. Ya. Konysky)
22 Jan 2017 New translations
In the section «Translations» we continue publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – poem "Cicero and Filisk [58 BC]."
1. Cicero left for Macedonia / 2. Filisk comforts Cicero in his mount / 3. Filisk preached stoicism / 4. Cicero suffer innocently / 5. Cicero may be invited back to Rome
20 Jan 2017 New announcement
The announcement "Withered leaves, lyrical drama by I.Franko" (1897) now published
Is this like a small story – unhappy love story of one young man, portrayed by lyrical verses.
18 Jan 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Exile" Franko" (1897).
Who should like? A few crafty, who willfully take in the hands Ukrainian policy? Those who quarreled for years and scoffed together and brought to the fact that their respect in the eyes of the people went down to zero?
16 Jan 2017 New biographical note
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "The sad statement" (1897).
Little is not 10 years he [P. Grabowski] has suffer in that hell for unaccomplished sins; once lived in Irkutsk, and from here for some of his convict history exiled forever in Vilyuisk.
14 Jan 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with review "K. Kharlampovich. Ostrog orthodox school, the historical-critical essay" (1898).
The book shows us clearly how little we know about certain this fact, that was very important in the history of our education.
12 Jan 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1894 – 1898). |
10 Jan 2017 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published an article "Apocryphon of Adam" (1895).
From the beginning until the expulsion of Adam from Paradise (Ch. 1 – 24) text wider Slavic edition, though not very detailed, but still retain enough about Greek model.
8 Jan 2017 New short story
In the «Prose» section we publish short story "Genius" (1890).
He called together the community, and with a map in hand began to teach peasants all their things, called them directly thieves and robbers and proceeded to the regulation of the borders of manor forest.
6 Jan 2017 New verses
We publish poetry of Ivan Franko, not included in his collections. Today – works of 1889.
4 Jan 2017 Annual report published
Annual report of the website «Ivan Franko» for the 2016 year is published – 582 thousands visitors.
2 Jan 2017 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph article «Plan of the teaching of the history of ukrainian literature» (1895). |