4th quarter 2017
30 Dec 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1887.
In my situatio there has also been some change. I joined the editorial office of "Kurjer Lwowski", a newspaper of honest direction, against the nobility and the hermitage, the work is not tedious. (Approximately Aug 20, 1887. To M.P. Dragomanov)
28 Dec 2017 New translation
We publish translation of anient Egyptian poem "Satni and Tabubu" (1899).
26 Dec 2017 New note
We publish note «Slovanský přehled» (1903).
The collection of facts of a strange and lawless and no logic of unjustified treatment by Russian censorship the Ukrainian manuscripts must make an impression on the Slavic world.
24 Dec 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Between our own" (1910).
1. With the end of the year. / 2. Not so enemies as kind people. / 3. When not on horseback, so though on the horns. / 4. Happy New Year.
20 Dec 2017 New autobiographical article
We publish speech at a banquet during the jubilee holiday of 1898.
This was my misfortune, I rolled like a sheep, and instead of going on a wiped road, he had to wipe it. We had and there are not enough people for even the simplest work.
18 Dec 2017 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "1. Introductory notes about criticism".
These points lead us to one more restriction: political, social, and religious ideas do not inherently belong to literary criticism; they must be discussed with a special scientific training for each person.
16 Dec 2017 New obituary
We publish obituary "Conrad Ferdinand Meyer" (1898).
Each of his works is a great achievement of great work and profound studies, but because of his works, like the forged of bronze.
14 Dec 2017 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – «2. Look at the causes of Khmelnytsky’s war".
The main reason for the rebellion of the Cossacks and the weakness of the Poles is the unscrupulous oppression of the subjects and the sympathy of the lords with the Jews (see our collection No. 2).
12 Dec 2017 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "Julian Javorsky. Thunderous arrows" (1898).
If Mr. Javorsky took a more detailed look at the literature on amulets and their symbols, he could be sure that the connection of concepts here is not so simple as he composed it himself.
10 Dec 2017 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument to Ivan Franko in Ivano-Frankivsk (1995). |
8 Dec 2017 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Varlaam and Joasaph" (1895). Today – "6. [Studio overview]».
Note of the Portuguese Diogh to Couto / Studiests of the Life of the Buddha and the Indian Roots of the Tale / G. Zottenberg’s Book / The Publication of Arabic Texts / F. Gommel’s Book
6 Dec 2017 New novel
In the section "Prose" we publish the next three sections of the novel "The Fundamentals of Society" (1893 – 1895).
And among all this homony, smoke, roar, hell, there, in the very middle, on its bottom, in the main nest of fire, she once in every moment sees this corpse.
4 Dec 2017 New verses
We publish the first 10 poems from the collection "From the years of my youth", including "To comrades from prison" (1878).
2 Dec 2017 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of autograph novel «Gryc and nobleman» (1898). |
30 Nov 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1887.
Could you write your recollections of your teacher’s life in Bibrka and Stoky, from beginning to end, with its good sides and the wicked. (May 19, 1887. To Ulyana Kravchenko)
28 Nov 2017 New translation
We publish translation of Babilonian poem «Istar» (1890-s).
26 Nov 2017 New note
We publish note "Sources of "Vij", a story by M. Gogol" (1902).
Monstrous being with the signs of Gogol’s Vij is known in our oral tradition under the name of scabby Bunyak.
24 Nov 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "More in the case of one review and its reviewers" (1907).
And the old Pharisee from "Ruslan", and the young clown of the "Galician", even flew out, whirling, ran straight ahead, who would spit out more words and make a scandal.
22 Nov 2017 New autobiographical article
We publish speech at the 25th anniversary (1898).
I never wanted to stand on coturn or spare myself; I have never considered my adversary too small; I went out to each arena where the struggle was needed to clarify the case.
20 Nov 2017 New critical article
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with article "Internationalism and Nationalism in Modern Literature" (1898).
At the same time, with the internationalization of literary tastes, runs and rivales the nationalization of each individual literature, and its specific national character become more and more brighter.
18 Nov 2017 New biographical article
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "70th anniversary of the birth of Henrik Ibsen" (1898).
One of his finest dramas, "The Enemy of the People", was translated into our language by M. Pavlik and adopted by the "Rus’ conversation" for stage performances.
16 Nov 2017 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – "1. Bibliography".
Among the materials, still not only not published, but also the least exploited, there is a significant number of poems, combined at the same time with events.
14 Nov 2017 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review «Zbornik za národní život і običaje južnih slovena» (1898).
By collecting and investigating the survivors of this centuries-old process, the science of folklore is part of a wider science – the history of human civilization.
12 Nov 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of library of the Lviv University (1910 – 1914). |
10 Nov 2017 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Varlaam and Joasaph" (1895). Today – "5. [Distribution of the story about Barlaam and Joasaph]".
Spreading of the story of Barlaam and Joasaph in Europe: Latin translations and their branches. Romantic poems about Barlaam and Joasaph in France and Germany at the XIII cent.
8 Nov 2017 New novel
In the section "Prose" we publish the next three sections of the novel "The Fundamentals of Society" (1893 – 1895).
Oh, father, if you knew how I needed money, a lot of money! – he said in a pathetic way. – Look, look at me! I’m young, beautiful, I want to live, I want to walk…
6 Nov 2017 New verses
We publish the first 10 poems from the collection "From the years of my youth", including "The Scottish Song" (1876).
4 Nov 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of work «Barlaam and Joasaph» (1897). |
2 Nov 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1887.
My novel is called "Without asking a ford," and I do not know whether it will be suitable for "Kievan antiquity," and if it was suitable, then who will translate it. (Jan 19, 1887. To O. F. Franco)
30 Oct 2017 New translations
We publish 2 translations of 1893, including "Oedipus-king" by Sophocles.
28 Oct 2017 New article
We publish article "Progress of slavic studies at the University of Vienna" (1897).
Dr. Murco is a vivid man, vulnerable to everything in the world, who knows almost all the Slavic regions from personal supervision, and his speeches are likely to be unusually interesting.
26 Oct 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published review «Le tsarisme et l’Ukraine» (1907).
The author, though a talented man and animated with the most grueling desire to serve Ukraine, came to this field with a very modest arsenal, almost with the fact that he gave him a gymnasium.
24 Oct 2017 New autobiographical article
We publish an article "A little about myself" (1895).
I confess to an even greater sin: even our Rus I does not like so and to the extent that it does or does what it does, patented patriots.
22 Oct 2017 New review
The section "Literary criticism" is replenished with review "Ivan Tobilevich (Karpenko-Kary). Dramad and comedies. Vol. 1" (1897).
"Burlaka" is here new for us. There is a very lively and dramatic figure of lawlessness that reigns in Russia from the mountain to the bottom.
20 Oct 2017 New biographical article
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Fedkovich – a concertant and prelegent» (1901).
Fedkovich, mostly silent, unpopular, was feeled himself as foreigner in the community of the then Lviv ukrainians.
18 Oct 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with review «Ks. Dr. I. Warmiński. Andrzej Samuel i Jan Seklucyan» (1907).
The extraordinary diligence and conscientiousness of the analyse Seklucyan’s works, which left us 20 pieces, is one of the most important examples of the book I. Warmiński and assures it continued worth.
16 Oct 2017 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "B. D. Grinchenko. Ethnographic materials collected in the Chernigov and neighboring provinces" (1899).
Those songs are recorded in the vastness of the whole of Russian Ukraine, beginning with Pochaev, and ending with Kuban and Dobrudzha, during the period from 1834 to 1898.
14 Oct 2017 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument to Ivan Franko in Ivano-Frankivsk (1978). |
12 Oct 2017 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Varlaam and Joasaph" (1895). Today – "4. [Question of authorship]».
The question – who was the author of the Greek story about Varlaam and Joasaph. Disputes caused by differences in the very Greek manuscript tradition. In Western Europe, the author is generally considered Ioann Damaskin.
10 Oct 2017 New novel
In the section "Prose" we publish the first three sections of the novel "The Fundamentals of Society" (1893 – 1895).
To pay – it would be nothing. The society in which Adam revolves requires that he do not really appreciate the money. However, for Adam’s career, this can be very useful… very useful.
8 Oct 2017 New verses
We publish poetic cycle "In the plein air" from the collection "From the days of sorrow" (1900).
6 Oct 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of the tale «Opposition» (1897). |
4 Oct 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last four letters of 1886.
Prospect of the "Postup (Progress)" has been confiscated. I have not yet received the motives for this confiscation, but I heard that the police intend to confiscate me number for the number, pick on something. (Dec 14, 1886. To M. P. Dragomanov)
2 Oct 2017 New translations
We publish 2 translations of 1893, including "To Themis" by Pindar.