3rd quarter 2017
30 Sep 2017 New review
Published review «Ateneum» (1901).
There is a brilliant characteristic of Old Russian writing, as well as the beginnings of specially Russian (Moscow) writing until the time of Peter the Great.
28 Sep 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Ukrainian rostrum in Russia" (1906).
On the foreground among the contents these ten notebooks are articles prof. Hrushevsky, one of the initiators, the most active staff of the publication.
26 Sep 2017 New biographical article
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Father Antin Petrushevich" (1901).
Ukrainian societies and institutions, as well as persons – with the exception Mr. Romanchuk, who wrote short-handed congratulation, – did not participate in that anniversary.
24 Sep 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with article "Jesus or Barraw?" (1906).
Brandt therefore considers the story of evangelists in the form as we have it now, later fantasy.
22 Sep 2017 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published article "[Polish spell from Kolomyia]" (1898).
I am giving another Polish spell to the "treasure daemon" from the manuscript I received from one Kolomyia burgher in 1880.
20 Sep 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of building in Kiev (1909). |
18 Sep 2017 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Varlaam and Joasaph" (1895). Today – "2. Content of the novel".
Title / Foreword, Description of India, King Avenir / The Parable of the Death Pipe / The Presentation of Christian Dogmatics / The Parable of the Rhinoceros
16 Sep 2017 New story
In the «Prose» section we publish story "For a home fire" (1892).
1. Anelja Angarovich and aunt Julia / 2. Captain Angarovich returned to Lviv / 3. Anton Angarovich in the family circle / 4. Angarovich in the officer’s box office / 5. Baron Reichlingen’s story
14 Sep 2017 New poem
We publish poem "Forest idyll" (1900).
12 Sep 2017 New verses
We publish poetic cycle "Memoirs" from the collection "From the days of sorrow" (1900).
10 Sep 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the novel «For the home hearth» (Lviv, 1897). |
8 Sep 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next four letters of 1886.
The first issue of "Progress", as the announcement says (the first line from above), should be issued the 1st new style of January. If you please, send the manuscript as soon as possible. (Early Dec 1886. To M. P. Dragomanov)
6 Sep 2017 New translations
We publish 2 translations of 1883, including "Clouds" by Aristophanes.
2 Sep 2017 New article
Published article "Ukrainian titulature" (1900).
When Ukrainian writers do not use such words as "lord", "thing", etc., they are not assume they were Russian, but because they did not preserve anywhere in the mouths of the Ukrainian people.
30 Aug 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "The Austrian crisis" (1906).
The policy of Austria, internal and external, is still mostly not national, not state, but dynastic.
28 Aug 2017 New biographical article
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with article "Anniversary of the 25-year literary activity of O. P. Kosach" (1901).
With a warm heart, you decided on the best future of your native land and never lost the faith in progress and freedom, which can not pass our poor hut.
26 Aug 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with review «Aleksander Brükner. Różnowiercy polscy» (1905).
Neither one rough lyrics, nor one low insinuation, nor one hypothesis, based on subjective proof.
24 Aug 2017 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published article "Poetry facetia about the stupid Kuzmin" (1898).
We still does not have, as far as I know, recordinfgof this these facetia from the mouth of the people in a poetic form; trom that, hopefully, this variant will be interesting.
22 Aug 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of building in Kiev (1909). |
20 Aug 2017 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Ivan Vyshensky and his works" (1894). Today – «3. Life and characteristics of Ivan Vyshensky ".
Early years of life / Stay on Mount Athos / Meaning of Afon exaggerate / Job Knjagynycky / Vyshensky’s activity at Athos
16 Aug 2017 New short story
In the «Prose» section we publish short story "History of the sheepskin coat" (1892).
Do not be afraid, gossip, said the juror. – Your cover will not disappear. We bring him to Yudka. Today you will bring rynsky – today you will return the shroud.
14 Aug 2017 New poem
We publish poem "On St.Jurij’s Mountain" (1900).
1. Cossack camp / 2. Khmelnitsky accuses the king / 3. Khmelnitsky threatens the Poles / 4. Khmelnytsky does not believe in promises / 5. Fable about the snake in the house / 6. The master beats the snake
12 Aug 2017 New verses
We publish the first 10 poems from the collection "From the years of my youth", including "The riot of Mitusa" (1875).
10 Aug 2017 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the first volume edition «Apocryphes and legends fron ukrainian manuscripts» (1896). |
8 Aug 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1886.
As touching our literature, I would very much like to have a detailed critical analysis of the works of P. Mirny and Nechuj-Levytsky, as well as how much the detailed history of the Ukrainian theater. (November 26, 1886, to M. F. Komarov)
6 Aug 2017 New translations
We publish early translations – "Homer’s Odyssey" and "Electra" by Sophocles (1874).
4 Aug 2017 New critical note
Published "A polemical response to the reviewer of the "Stolen happiness" (1900).
But what is not free to the reviewer and what no honest man will allow himself to do – is to ease and reproach the work by helping the lie.
2 Aug 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Instead of a debate – a flower of polemics" (1905).
But the main gun against the opposition in the theater case was rolled out by Dr. Kost Levytsky in the article "Dilo" in the article "The struggle for the people’s theater".
30 Jul 2017 New obituary
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with obituary "Father Bogdar Kyrchiv" (1901).
He felt deeply unhappy in his position. Only wider activity, literary and public, could fill his nature.
28 Jul 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with article "The Polish Poem about the Uman massacre" (1904).
Manuscript description / Polish poem text / Ukrainian translation / Sources about Uman events / Analysis of the text of the poem
26 Jul 2017 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published article "People’s beliefs in Podgorie" (1898).
1. Folk cosmology and meteorology / 2. Dead nature / 3. Beliefs about the growth / 4. Beliefs about animals / 5. People’s anthropology / 6. Phenomena and subjects of economic life
24 Jul 2017 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of building in Kiev (1909). |
22 Jul 2017 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Ivan Vyshensky and his works" (1894). Today – "2. Works by Ivan Vyshensky".
20 Jul 2017 New short story
In the «Prose» section we publish short story "For the feast" (1891).
Mr. Cashier! The costs of making uniforms you will record on each account at his expense, spread over half a year and take off weekly at the time of payment!
18 Jul 2017 New poem
We publish poem "Ivan Vyshensky" (1900).
1. Mount Athos / 2. The bells ring on ascetic / 3. Carrying out an ascetic / 4. Ascetic – Ivan Vyshensky / 5. Ivan in a cave / 6. Ivan and a spider / 7. Elder’s doubt / 8. Remember about Ukraine
16 Jul 2017 New verses
We publish poetic cycle "From the days of sorrow" (1900).
14 Jul 2017 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of german autograph of thesis «Barlaam and Joasaph» (1896). |
12 Jul 2017 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1886.
I am in the "Dawn" stay yet by the end of this year and in new year planned to start on my own hand monthly magazine publication "Progress". (Oct 24, 1886. To B. S. Poznansky)
10 Jul 2017 New translations
In the section «Translations» we finish publishing of the cycle "History of ancient Roma" (1915 – 1916). Today – last 7 works, including "Papirius and guard."
8 Jul 2017 New critical note
Published review "Bukovina Rus’" (1900).
Its main strength – interpretation of history and the state of Ukrainian education in Bukovina from its beginnings until now.
6 Jul 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published article "Dry stump" (1905).
The case of Ukrainian word and Ukrainian flowering is alien to of Great Russian publicness; and it also blinded its state position.
3 Jul 2017 New biographical article
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Makovei O. Panko Olelkovich Kulish. Review of his activities" (1900).
His judgment for Shevchenko and folk art was wrong, lieth upon on a misunderstanding of the big difference between collective, impersonal folk creativity and individual, full of fire poetry Shevchenko.
2 Jul 2017 New article on history
Section "History" is replenished with article "When Jesus died?" (1904).
G. Ahelis tried to reach a more certain conclusion by an astronomical calculations and came to two possible dates: Friday, April 7, 30 AD.