4th quarter 2018
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next four letters of 1890.
Our party decided to make the "People" its body, decided and help its work and money. With the work, the deal somehow settled down, but with money still bad. (Oct 17, 1890, to M.P. Dragomanov)
New translations
We publish next 5 translation from the cycle "Homer’s anthems" (1914 – 1915), including "20. Anthem to Hephaestus".
New announcement
We publish the prospectus of the publishing "International Library" (1912).
I was found in such a position that I could not find a place for some of my literary and scholarly works where I found him earlier.
New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published the article "Stefan Mallarme" (1898).
Mallarme does not put any thought into his words; in them only the individual souls can feel the same secret vibrations of the senses that were at the author’s writing of poems.
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "Did T. Shevchenko really write the poem "To Slavs"?" (1897).
But having read the poem itself, for everyone familiar with the spirit of Shevchenko’s poetry, with its language and poetic technique, it will immediately become clear that in no way can this poem be considered the work of Shevchenko.
New fairy tales
In the section "Prose" we continue publishing the fairy tale cycle "When beasts spoke" (1896 – 1898). Today – next 5 tales, including "13. Vixen-nun".
And when it is good, – said Vixen, – why should you look for a priest? After all, I’m a nun, a spiritual person is the same as a priest. Just follow me one by one in this hole, I confess you.
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first part of I.Franko's article «Common people's program» in the «Svoboda (Liberty)» newspaper (1900) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1890.
And the finances of "People" are very weak: new prenumerants do not come, the old ones do not pay, and I do not know at all how we can withstand the second half year. (June 24, 1890, to M. P. Dragomanov.)
New translations
We publish next 5 translation from the cycle "Homer’s anthems" (1914 – 1915), including «15 Anthem to Hercules, the lion’s heart."
New statement
We publish the statement of I. Franko dated March 17, 1912.
Knowing the Russian order, according to which the foreign author has no right to seek from Russian publishers any reimbursement for the right to reprint or translate his works, I only noted the fact.
New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published the article "Emil Zola, his life and writings" (1898).
We present here an essay on the life and literary activities of this writer, – without a doubt, the most important name now in the whole world literary republic.
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "Old Russian tales about birds, the message of Chrysanth Loparev" (1897).
Loparev collected from old manuscripts and published here five prosaic and two poetic texts of the ancient Russian "words" about birds.
New fairy tales
In the section "Prose" we begin publishing the fairy tale cycle "When beasts spoke" (1896 – 1898). Today – next 5 tales, including "9. Hare and Medvid."
What is it unnecessary dare to break into this place? – he roared, scratching the ground with claws. "Hey, Hare, now lead me to him, let him break into small pieces!"
New verses
We publish 4 verses of 1915, including "It’s good for human beings!"
New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of recension on the works of V.N.Peretc concerning history of apocryphes and legends (1900). |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1890.
From the contents of my current work here, you will find that I touch more things than can be discussed in such a tight frame. (April 26, 1890, to M. P. Dragomanov)
New translations
We publish next 5 translation from the cycle "Homer’s anthems" (1914 – 1915), including "10. Third anthem to Aphrodite».
New review
The review "What must every Ukrainian know?" (1911) is now published.
In addition to the hot and rather obscure patriotic sentiment, he does not dispose of any part of that positive knowledge and life experience required for creating any life program.
New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published the article "Lesja Ukrainka" (1898).
The last of her works, this is such a loud and terrible moan of an impudent soul, which we have not heard from us since the time of Kyrgyz thought Shevchenko.
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "V. N. Mochulsky An apocryphal tale of the creation of the world" (1897).
Mr. Mochulsky also leaves in ambiguity the relation of this and other texts, written more or less under the influence of Bogomilism, to Paleja.
New fairy tales
In the section "Prose" we begin publishing the fairy tale cycle "When beasts spoke" (1896 – 1898). Today – first 5 chapters, including "4. Vixen and Cancer".
What? what? what? – amazed the Vixen. – Would you like to run with me? – Not only will I run away, but also I will give you one forehead, and I’ll be with you sooner, – Cancer says.
New verses
We publish 5 verses of 1915, including "To the death of M. Pavlik".
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of work «Carpatho-ukrainian literature of XVII – XVIII cent.» (1900) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last five letters of 1889.
Songs I will disassemble in groups: Christmas, Epiphany, Sunday, etc. Speaking of sources, I will go forth forever from the closest: Akathists, prologues, canons, lives, gospels and apocrypha. (After (not earlier) December 21, 1889. To M. P. Drahomanov)
New translations
We publish firdt 5 translation from the cycle "Homer’s anthems" (1914 – 1915), including "5. Anthem to Demetra".
1. The capture of Persephone. 2. Two witnesses. 3. Demetra is looking for a daughter. 4. Certificate of Hecate. 5. Demetra and Helium. 6. Certificate and advice of Helium.
New review
The review "Andrew Dixon White. Evolution of views on the universe" (1906) is now published.
This is the opening chapter of White’s first book on the struggle of faith with the mind, and exhibits in it what we would call the development of evolutionary thoughts in the history of humanity.
New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published the article "Detlev von Lilienkron and his writings" (1898).
Lilienkron – with all the soul of the Holstein, and, so to speak, wearing his Schleswig-Holstein in his soul, wherever he returns.
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "A. I. Almazov. To the history of prayers for different occasions" (1897).
To characterize the content of the work of Mr. Almazov, let us indicate ahead of all that, in his opinion, the name of some apocryphal prayers is completely false.
New essay
In the section "Prose" we publish the essay "While the train is moving" (1898).
She woke up. Already in stove, the fire buzzing. Already in the kettle, water begins to play, as if in a huge samovar, at once long, squeaky tones.
New verses
We publish 4 verses of 1914, including "The devotee".
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of article «Lesja Ukrainka» (1900) |
New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1889.
From Ukraine came your friend Bogdan Kistiakovsky. An interesting guy and tell a lot of interesting things about Kyiv, though he looks, it seems to me, rather one-sidedly. (Jun 19 – 22, 1889. To O. F. Franko)
New translation
We publish translation (1914) of the Theocritus’ idyll "Fishermen".
Switch to secure protocol
From October 14, 2018 (from the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland!) the site begins to work on a secure protocol (https). We recommend updating your bookmarks on the pages of this site.
New statement
Published statement by I. Franko (1906).
My drama "Teacher" has never been a competition one and was directly purchased from me by the "Rus’ conversation" as a standard fee.
New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published the article "Life and works by Alfonso Dode, his latest novel" (1898).
He wanted to be a free and independent writer, but now there was no doubt that literature would give him plenty and glory.
New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "M. G. Popruzhenko. A few comments on the writings of Yuri Krizhanich" (1897).
Popruzhenko rightly observes that there is still no such work about Krizhanich that would cover his whole life and all his literary, scientific and political activities.
New short story
In the section "Prose" we publish the short story "My crime" (1898).
Let him down! Let him down! – whispering something like a good angel in my inside. – But you see, he’s so small. Even does not have to bake him!
New verses
We publish 3 verses of 1914, including "Parable about the wheel."
New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page novel «Crossed pathways» (Lviv, 1900) |