3rd quarter 2018
30 Sep 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1889.
Maybe it will be interesting for you to know that at the present exhibition of the Stauropegian Institute I found a manuscript with the new, not known yet works of Ivan from Vyshnja. (Mar 1, 1889. To M. P. Dragomanov)
28 Sep 2018 New translation
We publish translation (1914) of the Theocritus’ poem "Hercules in the cradle".
26 Sep 2018 New article
The article "Nathan the Wise" by F. Lessing" (1906) is now published.
Dragomanov in his own letters to me some tomes mentioned, that he should be glad to submit the article about the Lessing’s parable and in the course of it analyze in more detail the idea religious tolerance, propagandaed by Lessing.
24 Sep 2018 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument in Odessa (2006). |
22 Sep 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published the notes "[News of European Literature]" (1898).
Death of Alfonso Dode. The first sections of "Paris" by E. Zola. Zola’s voice in the Dreyfus affair. Sudmerman’s "Johannes".
20 Sep 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Z. Avdikovsky’s adventure on August 1, 1848" (1912).
For the serving of God’s service for the soul of the Polish patriots hanged in 1847, and after the Austrian law – criminals, the warden of a government institution could have a great trouble and even lose his position.
18 Sep 2018 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "Ju A. Javorsky. Omne vivum ex ovo» (1906).
Ju. Javorsky could write a small note of this work, in which he quite rightly pointed out the closeness of Klinger’s scientific view and the inadequacy of his handling of this topic.
16 Sep 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "A. I. Yatsimirsky. Small notes" (1897).
We can not see any such hint in words that say only that Simeon loved books the way David liked to play "on golden strings".
14 Sep 2018 New short story
In the section "Prose" we publish the short story "Dr. Besserwisser" (1898).
It seems to me that the ambition itself will not lead a man to strive to know everything better than anyone else.
12 Sep 2018 New verses
We publish "The Parable of Two Slaves" (1913).
10 Sep 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page collection «Seven tales» (1900). |
8 Sep 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1889.
I would very much like to eventually embrace even the private docent Slavic literatures at the local university. (Feb. 10, 1889. To M. P. Dragomanov)
6 Sep 2018 New translation
We publish translation (1914) of the Theocritus’ idyll "Loving Polifem".
4 Sep 2018 New article
"An introductory word to public appearances before the youth in the hall of the "Rus' conversation" on November 22, 1911" (1911) is now published.
I can say without self-affirmation that both times my readings felt attracted to the gathered audience a pleasant, aesthetic impression, not tempered by any false tone.
2 Sep 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of savings-bank in Kolomyja (1912). |
30 Aug 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" published an article "Gerhart Hauptmann, his life and works" (1898).
Hauptmann, without a doubt, belongs to the most prominent representatives of the new German literature. He is still a young man and only goes into the age of the best blossom.
28 Aug 2018 New obituary
We publish obituary "In memory of Lesja Ukrainka" (1913).
The memory of a dear deceased is written in my soul in hard tracks. Honor her memory.
26 Aug 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published essay "Happy man" (1911).
The author was Thomas-Constantin Dusyatsky-Rudomina, Zemski judge of Braslav district. From the data in his poetic autobiography, we see that he was born at the end of 1654.
24 Aug 2018 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "A. M. Loboda. Russian epics about matchmaking" (1906).
Unfortunately, however, what Mr. Loboda presents further as an illustration to his improved method of research does not at all correspond to the wide critical scope of the introduction.
22 Aug 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review «Sáva Chilandarec. Rukopisy a starotisky chilandarské» (1897).
As one can see, the Ukrainian books and manuscripts then moved to the south, and not only as pious gifts.
20 Aug 2018 New short story
In the section "Prose" we publish the short story "The very sharp elder" (1897).
Innocent! Are you innocent? But you are the same guilty that you exist in general. And before that here, in my county. You know, I can not give you this.
18 Aug 2018 New verses
We publish verses of 1906, not included in collections, in particular, "Patriot".
16 Aug 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page collection of verses «From the days of grief» (1900). |
14 Aug 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last five letters of 1888.
In my day there will be extrabudgetary money – "Education" publishes in Ukrinian my "Hawa" in its publications, so for that fee I want to print a bit further from the "Scientific Library". (Nov 19, 1888. To M. P. Drahomanov)
12 Aug 2018 New translation
We publish translation (1905) of the fragment from the poem "Meleager".
10 Aug 2018 New review
The review «Geschichte des ukrainischen (ruthenischen) volkes» (1906) is now published.
This publication will be the first decisive step of our scientific work in the wider world, the first attempt to introduce the widest circles of Western European specialists with the achievements of Ukrainian historiography.
8 Aug 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of regional court in Kolomyja (1880). |
6 Aug 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "4."6. What is poetic beauty?"
Never a poet nor an artist has done anything to show for a modern or childlike ideal of beauty, but when they did it for such a purpose, their works were a propagation of malicious taste.
4 Aug 2018 New obituary
We publish obituary "Eugene Yurinets" (1911).
Having not yet had the opportunity to read all the poems of the late Eugene Yurinets, I am content this time with a brief note of his spiritual heritage.
2 Aug 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published "Two notes to the text of the ancient chronicle" (1908).
Later authors of the Old Russian chronographs borrowed from this manuscript, and also the author of "Tolkova Paleya"; the later appended to this text a long extracts from the Bulgarian chronograph.
30 Jul 2018 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published article "Galician peasant strike in a folk song" (1905).
The facts underlying this most recent Ukrainian folk song were sufficiently depicted and discussed in the State Council by various speakers.
28 Jul 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published note "My "falsifications" (1897).
Mr. Monat writes scientifically and wittily. It is nice to argue with him that you will not ever say about his compatriots. He criticized me for some falsifications, on which I must stop further.
26 Jul 2018 New short story
In the section "Prose" we publish the short story "Servant’s bread" (1896).
Ataman still a minute had helded Onuphrius’ breads in his hand, examined it, sniffed, and then he threw the bread out onto the field, quickly took out his scarf from his pocket and began to wipe his eyes.
24 Jul 2018 New verses
We publish verse "Burkut’s Romance" (1905).
22 Jul 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of the article «From poetic heritage of Vasyl Mova (V. Lymansky)» (1899). |
20 Jul 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1888.
I am now busy with the order of the collection of the Galician proverbs, which I want to publish at the Academy of Krakow. I think that the collection will be good and useful. (Sep 25, 1998. To M. P. Drahomanov)
18 Jul 2018 New translation
We publish translation (1914) of the Theocrit’s dramatic fragment "Haymaker and Reaper".
16 Jul 2018 New review
The review «Pamiętnik literacki» (1905) is now published.
In the first, the Tatars complain that they are engrossing in enchantment, while in the second they cite their magic formula against the fever – in Ukrainian, the famous apocrypha "about the shakes".
14 Jul 2018 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument in Kolomyja (2012). |
12 Jul 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "4.5. How does poetry draw dead nature?"
The painter gives us an impression of colors, the poet causes only memories of colors; the painter appeals directly to the feeling, poet – to imagination.
10 Jul 2018 New biographical article
We publish note "In the case characterisation Mr. Pavlik" (1905).
I reject with indignation the insinuation of Mr. Pavlik, as if I wrote my article, "subjected" to some kind of "cowards".
8 Jul 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published review "E. E. Golubinsky. Concerning the restructuring by V. I. Lamansky history of the work of Constantine the Philosopher, the first-teacher of the Slavic" (1907).
Against these reproaches of Lamansky – Golubinsky presents, above all, an incorrect understanding of the text of the life.
6 Jul 2018 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review «A. S. Petruszewicz. O pierwszym zawiązku familii u aryjskich narodów» (1905).
Based on his profound linguistic experiments father Petrushevich has come to the conclusion that the husband and wife, of course, were necessary for family ties at the very beginning. And we did not know!
4 Jul 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published note "From the correspondence of M. P. Drahomanov" (1896).
I joined the "Academic Circle" only for the fact that there was a newspaper for which I could work and that there was a library that was not in the "Friendly Moneylender".
2 Jul 2018 New fairy tale
We publish fairy tale "Bestial budget".
We will all adopted to decompose into single communities, and they have to take everything for us and give it ourselves, so take each one and eat it ready. Now know what the new constitution means?