2nd quarter 2018
30 Jun 2018 New verses
We publish verse "Arrows" (1903).
28 Jun 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the first edition translation of tragedy «Helen and Faust» by J.W.Goethe (1899). |
26 Jun 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1888.
But in reality, such a misfortune comes out that true consensus with Konisky can not be achieved for the fact that he does not have almost any solid idea, at which he would stand. (June 30, 1988. To M. P. Drahomanov)
24 Jun 2018 New translation
We publish translation (1914) of the Theocrit’s dramatic fragment "Adonis feast".
22 Jun 2018 New review
The review "Notes of a Ukrainian" (1905) is now published.
Sophron Krut, while staying after the turn of the war for a longer time in Vienna, grabbed a pen to share his passions with the Ukrainian community.
20 Jun 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "4.4. Poetry and painting."
So, what’s the secret? And the fact that the poet can at any time from the field of visual sensation jump to the field of any other sensation.
18 Jun 2018 New biographical article
We publish article "Mikhail Pavlik" (1905).
It is important at such jubilees, before all that one, so that the jubilee and his activities did not occur false views, legends, based on ignorance of facts or their inappropriate understanding.
16 Jun 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published review "E. Golubinsky. Kherson martyrs, whose memory is on March 7th" (1907).
One might think that the Korsun bishops, ascribing to their department a glorious appearance, wanted to surround it with a splendor to become, for example, the metropolitans of the dioceses of the Taurida Peninsula.
14 Jun 2018 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review «Dr. Raimund Friedrich Kaindl. Die Volkskunde» (1904).
Here is the ambiguity in the basic concepts, the unsystematic presentation, the broad talkativeness of the need and the importance of folklore, and the lack of own understanding of the subject.
12 Jun 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of tomb in Lviv (1916). |
10 Jun 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "Poems by Stepan Shepedij" (1896).
By publishing these memoirs of the life and activities of one of workers in the field of folk, this quiet and unknown for broader community man, we understand well that they have no claims to literary perseverance.
8 Jun 2018 New short story
In the section "Prose" we publish the short story "Pure race" (1896).
Is that? – having stretched out Mr. Z., correcting the pince-nez man on his nose and supposedly looking closely at the group. – And this is our Hottentots. These are the Rusnaks, about which I remembered you.
6 Jun 2018 New verses
We publish 2 verses of 1902, including "In the album Ms. O. M.".
4 Jun 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of collection «Polujka and other Boryslav stories» (1899). |
2 Jun 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1888.
The constitution was given by the same Ferdinand I, and Franz Joseph only abolished it, and when he was forced to attract it after the severe 10 years, he made this in the form of Goluchowski’a and Schmerling’s rule. (After (not earlier) May 21, 1988. To I. I. Sharanevich)
30 May 2018 New translation
We publish translation (1914) of the Aristophan’s dramatic fragment "Frogs".
28 May 2018 New fairy tale
We publish unfinished fairy tale "Bd-bug" (1899).
For though you have all your age grown up in books, but you are a stupid in life’s affairs. And I’m snowing every night from the very source of life, then in those cases competent, do not be afraid!
26 May 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "4.3. The feeling of sight and its significance in poetry."
True poets will never allow those colored orgies that admire the present decadents and plein airs of pen and ink.
24 May 2018 New biographical note
We publish congratulation to M. Pavlik (1905).
Honoring you as one of the first pioneers of a progressive and popular way in Galicia, an unharmed and invincible fighter for national rights.
22 May 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – last 10 verses, including «№ 30. Zaczęcie buntów kozackich przez Bogdana Chmielnickiego».
20 May 2018 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review «Dr. Heinrich Schurtz Völkerkunde» (1904).
We can point out this book as a model of a wide embrace and, at the same time, to the extreme of simplistic, concentrated, skunky words, and with the clear and popular handling of the subject.
18 May 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1915 – 1916). |
16 May 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published review "G. M. Baratz. Traces of Judaic views in Old Russian writing. The word of Cyril the philosopher" (1896).
Such identity that would allow us to think about the "Word" author’s immediate borrowing from those Hebrew books, we do not see.
14 May 2018 New short story
In the section "Prose" we publish the short story "Pig’s constitution" (1896).
So from you, my dear friend, – I finished my conversation, – this looks like a peasant constitutional. The peasant should be envious of a mere pig.
12 May 2018 New verses
We publish 10 verses of 1878, including "Jay".
10 May 2018 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of draft autograph poem «Burial» (1899). |
8 May 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1888.
With this romane in Warsaw make such, it turned out that it was actually hors concours. The parcel fell into censorship, everything was printed out and the editor was called for interrogation, in a word, the secret was uncovered. (May 10, 1888. To O. Franko)
6 May 2018 New translations
We finish to publish the book of translations "Hesiod and his works" (1913). Today – last 13 chapters of the poem "Works and Days"
4 May 2018 New fairy tale
We publish unfinished fairy tale "Lis Khapko" (1897).
Well, look, good people, – say he to the community that coincided with the cry, – I had a few barley, I wanted to bring to the mill and poured here to dry the sun, but this is the thief half had already taken!
2 May 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "4.2. Poetry and music".
Poetry is violated mainly in the upper registers, where the senses are bordered by reflection, with thought and abstraction, and more than once it becomes a domain of purely intellectual work.
30 Apr 2018 New biographical note
We publish note "40th anniversary of the birth Ya.-S. Mahar" (1904).
Mr. Mahar knows little Galicia too, because while serving in the army, he spent some time in Przemysl, and in his poetry collection "Vylet na Krym" gave a great poetic characterization of Galicia.
28 Apr 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – next 10 verses, including «№ 20. Pieśń żałosna po rozproszeniu woyska pod Piławcami bendącego in anno 1648, die 12 septembris».
26 Apr 2018 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review «Stanisław Ciszewski. Ognisko, studium etnologiczne» (1904).
The author collected a huge amount of material and arranged him very skillfully; unfortunately, the processing of that material from the methodological point of view arise a very important question.
24 Apr 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Lviv (1914). |
22 Apr 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "Annex to the description of V. Hnatyuk’s manuscript by Stefan Teslevtsev" (1896).
Manuscript in the 18th century was the property of a certain priest Stefan Teslevtsev and was given by him to the property of a certain church, but was not, as Dr. Hnatyuk argued, all the time the property of the family Zeykan.
20 Apr 2018 New fairy tale
In the section "Prose" we publish the fairy tale "Opposition" (1891).
You still have not enough? Well, I’ll eat your Ozarkevich! Let’s see who will be on top. But in this case he failed. Grumbling – grumble, but he did not eat. For him, Ozarkevich became a bone in his throat.
18 Apr 2018 New verses
We publish verser of 1898 – 1901, including cycle "May Elegies" (1901).
16 Apr 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of collection «Poems» (1899). |
14 Apr 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1888.
I conceived of doing a doctoral exam in Ukrainian literature and selecting Shevchenko’s "Dream" for a thesis, but in essence – from what Shevchenkov’s political poetry arised? (Feb 22 1888. To M.P. Drahomanov)
12 Apr 2018 New translations
We continue to publish the book of translations "Hesiod and his works" (1913). Today – first 12 chapters of the poem "Works and Days"
10 Apr 2018 New note
We publish note "Stepan Charnetsky. Visit of the "Russian conversation" theater in Lviv " (1904).
Seeing my remake on stage, I admit that it is not very lucky, is too trivialized. But, on the other hand, I must say that it is simply badly played out.
8 Apr 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "4.1. The role of sensations in poetic creativity."
All that we know is the product of our sensations – that is, it comes from the outside world to our brain centers through sensations.
6 Apr 2018 New obituary
We publish obituary "Albert Scheffle" (1904).
At the end of December, died in Tübingen, Albert Scheffle, the former Austrian Minister of Finance at the Hohenwart Ministry.
4 Apr 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – first 10 verses, including «№ 10. De vita et rebus gestis Joannis Casimiri Regis Poloniae, cardinalis, Jesuitae».
2 Apr 2018 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "V. P. Klinger. Fantastic motifs in the history of Herodotus" (1903).
In the shortage of a rigorous method, Mr. Klinger is sometimes blamed, although it is probable that this shortage does not manifest to him as much as Mr. Potanin.