1st quarter 2018
30 Mar 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of People's House in Chernivtsi (1913). |
28 Mar 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "An interesting collection from the village Hitar (Stryо county)» (1896).
The first work in the manuscript is, as it is said, "Alexandria". There is a fairy tale about the actions and wars of Alexander of Macedonia, will known in almost all the literatures of the civilized world.
26 Mar 2018 New essay
In the section "Prose" we publish the essay "Fair in Smozhe" (1895).
Having joined in the crowd of fair, I with my friend went liberated, admiring the wonderful mountain air, the cold of the wood coffers, then the conversation with the same with those fair groups.
24 Mar 2018 New verses
We publish cycle "From the Book of Kaaf" from the collection "Semper tiro" (1906).
22 Mar 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of work «Joseph Szumlansky, Lviv bishop in 1668 – 1708 and introduction of union in Galicia» (1898). |
20 Mar 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –first five letters of 1888.
As for the Pantalacha, your notes are true, and it will still have to be reworked. It seems to me that the his escape is very motivated. (Feb. 16, 1888. To M. I. Pavlik)
18 Mar 2018 New translations
We continue to publish the book of translations "Hesiod and his works" (1913). Today – "Hercules Shield".
1. Alkmen and the birth of Hercules / 2. Hercules went against Kikn / 3. Hercules armament / 4. Description of the Hercules shield. A. Terriblies of war
16 Mar 2018 New note
We publish note "Encyclopedia of Judaism" (1904).
Publish the comprehensive encyclopedia that should give image the development of the Jewish nation and its influence on the cultural and historical development of mankind.
14 Mar 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – «3. Poetic fantasy."
In the dominance of the sphere of our lower consciousness and in the ease of combining, there is the whole secret of strength and wealth of poetic imagination.
12 Mar 2018 New obituary
We publish obituary "Herbert Spencer" (1904).
Spencer as writer deserves all those compliments that his friend Thomas Goxley expressed from the beginning of his career: he writes clearly, vividly and intelligently.
10 Mar 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – "5. Events of Khmelnytsky’s epoch".
The great Polish army with three hetmans and 26 commissars escapes almost without a fight, leaves the enemy with its artillery and the whole camp with tremendous riches – this was indeed an unheard-of scandal.
8 Mar 2018 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published review "Prof. Volodymyr Shukhevych. Hutsulshchyna" (1902).
Systemically ordered monograph prepared for many years, the first exhaustive work on a truly unique type of people – Hutsuls.
6 Mar 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Chernivtsi (1913). |
4 Mar 2018 New article on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "Repercussions of Greek and Latin Literature in Ukrainian Writing" (1896).
The unity and continuity of the Ukrainian literary tradition from ancient times to Kotlyarevsky and Shashkevich.
2 Mar 2018 New novel
In the section "Prose" we publish the last three sections of the novel "The Fundamentals of Society" (1893 – 1895).
Now, when you come to Lviv, look for Mendel. – Mendel? Is that money lender? – It’s the same. Beg money for a bill from him. Promise interest what he want and borrow at least a thousand guilders.
28 Feb 2018 New verses
We publish cycle "On the old themes" from the collection "Semper tiro" (1906).
26 Feb 2018 New autograph of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with page of autograph recension on the article «Joseph Szumlansky, russian Lviv bishop…» by I.Sharanevych. |
24 Feb 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –last four letters of 1887.
The novel, on which I am counting, which will bring me some money and allow you to get out of the debts, is ready and will quickly be rewritten completely. The piece was quite extensive and, I dare to think, interesting. (Nov. 26, 1887, to M. P. Drahomanov)
22 Feb 2018 New translations
We continue to publish the book of translations "Hesiod and his works" (1913). Today – "Theogonia (The Origin of the Gods)".
1. Introductory song / 2. Muses / 3. The oldest gods and their offspring / 4. Uranus, Gaia and Cronus / 5. The tribe of the Night / 6. The tribe of the Sea / 7. The tribe of the Ocean / 8. The tribe of the Heaven
20 Feb 2018 New note
We publish note "Newly discovered monuments of antiquity" (1904).
In the excavations of ancient Babylon, which have been conducted by the German expedition, led by Dr. Koldewey, for several years, the statue of King Salmanassar II was recently discovered.
18 Feb 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "2. The laws of the association of ideas and poetic creativity."
The poet deliberately challenges our imagination to stir it up, cause the same anxiety, stress in the soul, the same uncertainty and anxiety that is depicted in his verses.
16 Feb 2018 New obituary
We publish obituary "Gaston-Bruno-Amede Paris" (1903).
The scientific and literary works of Gaston Paris are very numerous and valuable. Incidentally, he wrote: "Oriental tales in the French literature of the Middle Ages", "Poetry of the Middle Ages".
14 Feb 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – "4. The characters of Khmelnytsky’s epoch".
Verses written quickly after the death of the queen, show a very good thing, which was hated by the Poles Jan Kazimierz’ wife. Likewise, his court full of "French flies" was the subject of general hatred.
12 Feb 2018 New article on ethnography
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published article "An overview of works on the ethnography of Galicia in the nineteenth century" (1900).
The Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv founded a special edition of the Ethnographic Collection from 1895 and selected a separate Ethnographic Commission for its conduct.
10 Feb 2018 New monument to Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's monuments is replenished with monument to Ivan Franko in Naguevychi (1996). |
8 Feb 2018 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published article "South Russian Easter drama" (1898).
Easter verse from Izyum county / The word about perturbation of hell / Comparison of verse and drama / Nicodemus Gospel / European Easter drama / Legend of Solomon
6 Feb 2018 New novel
In the section "Prose" we publish the next three sections of the novel "The Fundamentals of Society" (1893 – 1895).
Maybe the honorable lady were kind enough to tell me… There was one gentleman among the guests, he was named Kaitsio by jther gentlemen. What is his proper name and nickname?
4 Feb 2018 New verses
We publish cycle "New anecdotes" from the collection "Semper tiro" (1906).
2 Feb 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of article «Khmelnycky's uprising of 1648 – 1649 in contemporary verses» (1898) |
30 Jan 2018 New letters by Ivan Franko
We continue to publish Ivan Franko's correspondence. Today –next five letters of 1887.
I read several times your section about 1880s-79s, and I see that this in no way can be printed in the interest of the book itself and its objective tone. (Late Nov. 1887. To M. I. Pavlyk)
28 Jan 2018 New translations
We begin to publish the book of translations "Hesiod and his works" (1913). Today is an introductory article about Hesiod.
Hesiod at the beginning of his "Theogonia" tells about himself that he was feeding a herd of goats on Helikon, where he appeared muses, and in the poem "Works and Days" tells about his father.
26 Jan 2018 New note
We publish note "Ukrainica in foreign magazines" (1904).
The author shows that the text contained in the manuscript of the Nile’s apothegms has a number of paragraphs that are unknown in the pre-existing tditions of this author.
24 Jan 2018 New note
The note by V. Banyas "Mr. Lawyer, Mr. Lawyer…" (2015) was published.
I think Ivan Yakovlevich planned to write a story about love, the side element of which was to be the display of the disenfranchised existence of Western Ukrainian peasants.
22 Jan 2018 New note
We publish note "As with Aeneid" (1903).
Consequently, our Poltava’s petty squire punch in conscience, and then caricature Kotlyarevsky shows.
20 Jan 2018 New critical article
In the section "Literary criticism" publish an article "From the secrets of poetic creativity" (1898). Today – "1. The role of consciousness in poetic creativity."
The question whether the poet works consciously or unknowingly belongs to the oldest and at the same time to the main questions of literary criticism.
18 Jan 2018 New obituary
We publish obituary "Georges Rodenbach" (1899).
His literary work includes three volumes of poetry, several volume tales and a number of literary studies, exemplified from the point of view of the beauty of language and style, though not very deep.
16 Jan 2018 New article on history
In section "History" published article "Khmelnychchyna 1648 – 1649 in contemporary poetry" (1898). Today – «3. Revolt of the Russian people."
The Poles of that time, with one voice and with one lips, testify that this was an uprising of the Russian people. Russia rose against the Poles. Russia wants to banish the Poles from its borders.
14 Jan 2018 New article on folklore
In the section «Ethnography and folklore» published article "People’s Confessions from Ukrainian Apocrypha" (1898).
I start with the most interesting, especially from the material to the Ukrainian demonology, which is included in one Ukrainian manuscript from Northern Hungary in an apocryphal story about the rebellion and the fall of angels.
12 Jan 2018 New memorable place of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's memorable places is replenished with photo of house in Ivano-Frankivsk (1910 – 1914). |
10 Jan 2018 New work on history of literature
In the section "History of literature" published monograph "Varlaam and Joasaph" (1895). Today – "7. [Origins of the Eastern versions]».
The question of the genealogy of the oriental versions of our story. Difficulty in its decision. Arabic texts, their relationship between themselves and to the Ibn Hissada processing.
8 Jan 2018 New novel
In the section "Prose" we publish the next three sections of the novel "The Fundamentals of Society" (1893 – 1895).
Daddy! Daddy! Let me down! I do not want to live! I’ll kill myself! – This thin girl’s voice speaks. And in response to him, an old man, a broken voice: "My baby! God is with you! What are you talking about?"
6 Jan 2018 New verses
We publish the first 9 poems from the collection "Semper tiro", including "To my reader" (1905).
4 Jan 2018 New edition of Ivan Franko
The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of article «Folk superstition from ukrainian apocryphes», published in the german journal «Der Urquelle» (1898) |
2 Jan 2018 Annual report
Annual report 2017 is published.
Annual report of the website «Ivan Franko» for the 2017 year – 561 thousands visitors.