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Ivan Franko

Encyclopedia of the life and works


2nd quarter 2024

New edition of Ivan Franko

»Perebendya» (1889) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the cover and title page of T. Shevchenko’s poetry "Perebendya" with preface by I. Franko (1889).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Kist (bone) – Kish (hamper)".

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New verses

We publish three Polish poems from 1873.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Ukrainian poetry» (1912) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the cover and title page of the collection "Ukrainian poetry" by O. S. Afanasyev-Chuzhbynsky, prepared by I. Franko (1912).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keyword "Horse".

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New verses

We continue to publish a collection of poems under the tentative title "From a Great Time" (1914-1916). Today – the poem "From the Great War."

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Dr. Ostap Terletsky» (1902) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of the article "Dr. Ostap Terletsky. Memories and materials" (1902).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Kypjatok (Boiling water) – Kinskyj (equine)".

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New translation

We publish a translation of H. Heine’s poem "You have eyes like pearls…" (1874).

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»And we are in Europe» (1896) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of the article "And we are in Europe" (1896).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Katsap (muscovite) – Kypa (congeries)".

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue publishing letters by Ivan Franko. Today – last 4 letters of 1903.

You created our national music, and your name, illuminated by all the charms of native melodies, will forever stand high in the ranks of creators, in the ranks of those who raise the soul of their contemporaries above the mundane. (December 6-7, 1903 to M. V. Lysenko)

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Przyjaciel ludu» (1889) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the title page of the first issue of the magazine "Przyjaciel ludu" (1889).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Kamuz (smithereens) – Kateryna (female name)".

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New work by I. Franko

In the "Other works" section, we publish a poem by M. Buchynskyi in the adaptation of I. Franko – "You won’t grow up!".

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Old and new in the mouths of the… The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of article "Old and new in the mouths of the people" (1912).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Kava (Coffee) – Kamin (Stone)".

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Selected recitations» (1902) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the title page of the textbook "Selected recitations for Ukrainian peasants and burghers" (1902).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Jida (Food) – Jordanskyj (Jordanian)".

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New poem

We are publishing the unfinished poem "In grief, grumbling and poverty…" (1878).

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»King Lavrin» (1895) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the title page of the poem "King Lavrin" by K. Havlichek-Borovsky (1895).

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New verses

We publish two poems from 1871.

Description of winter. Description of the holy evening.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Comrade» (1888) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the title page of the first issue of the magazine "Comrade" (1888).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Ity (Go) – Itsko (Jewish name, from Isaac)".

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New verses

We continue to publish a collection of poems under the tentative title "From a Great Time" (1914-1916). Today – the following 5 poems, including "Tsar’s words".

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Death of Oleg» (1912) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the title page and the first page of the article "Death of Oleg" (1912).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "I (And) – Isus (Jesus)."

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New about Ivan Franko

We publish Mykola Bondar’s article "From the editor [52] ago" (2008).

The works that appear before the interested eye of the reader are able to give rise to new and renewed considerations about Franko, the poet and translator.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Booth No. 27» (1902) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the cover and title page of drama "Booth No. 27" (1902).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Znattja (Knowledge) – Zjat (Son-in-law)".

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New translation

We publish the translation of "Pontifex maximus" – excerpts from E. Zola’s novel "Rome" (1897).

Pierre saw in Lourdes examples of unheard of idolatry, scenes of naive faith, agitated religious passion, which even now trembled with anxiety and pain.

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»М. G. Chernyshevsky» (1895) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the cover and title page brochure about M. G. Chernyshevsky (1895).

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keyword «Znaty (to know)».

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New letters by Ivan Franko

We continue publishing letters by Ivan Franko. Today – last 5 letters of 1903.

The programmatic article does not contain even a grain of any program, and I think that in such a form as it is, it will give a not wey good testimony about the state of political and cultural consciousness of those who signed it. (May 3, 1903 to Y. S. Romanchuk)

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New edition of Ivan Franko

»Forests and pastures» (1895) The gallery of I. Franko's autographs and editions is replenished with the title page of the first issue of the Lviv magazine "Światło" (1895), in which a polish translation of short story "Forests and pastures" was published.

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New folklore collection

We continue publishing a collection of "Galician-Ukrainian folk proverbs" (1901 – 1910). Today – proverbs with the keywords "Zmerznuty (To freeze) – Znannja (Knowledge)".

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New translation

We publish a translation of a fairy tale "How King Karl the Great went to steal" (1894).

Karl thanks God for telling him to go steal and tells Eligast to report this to Karl, he is afraid and sends him.

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